Year 2

Code Week 2019

EU Code Week took place between 5 and 20 October 2019. EU Code Week is a grass-roots movement that celebrates creativity, problem solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities

Code Week 2019

We had great fun fun in school for Code Week experimenting with coding using the BlueBots.

LEGO WeDo Challenge

Fourth Class took on a LEGO WeDo Challenge!

Each group had to choose a design and enter a code that included three components: movement, light change and sound!

This was a great opportunity to develop 21st century skills including problem solving, comprehension, communication, creativity, critical thinking and technology.

Collaborative Learning!

Each group worked together to choose a design for their robot.

Critical Thinking

Pupils then had to develop a code for their robot that included the 3 criteria: movement, light change and sound.

Each group tested their code and used their problem solving skills to improve their designs.


Each group shared their creations with the class- but kept their code a secret!

The other pupils had to watch the robots and identify the code that was used.

Some pupils offered suggestions as to how they could have extended their code.


Groups had the opportunity to use the feedback that they received from their peers and try to implement small changes to improve their code.

Lego Christmas Challenge!

Today we had some fun with our free play Lego boxes and used our imaginations to design these Christmas creations!

K'nex Education

We used Knex to help develop our fine motor skills whilst learning about how we can make things move in different ways!

Vex Robotics

Sixth Class were delighted to welcome John and Ann from IT Tralee who introduced them to Vex Robotics.

VEX Robotics is an exciting and fun program where school children learn about Science Technology Engineering Art and Maths (STEAM) while having fun! They design, build, program and compete with their robot in a spectacular competition organised by IT Tralee.

In addition to STEAM the students acquire other skills such as project management, presentation skills, teamwork, leadership, PR and much more.

This is our first year entering this competition and all of the boys are really excited about it!

Over the next few weeks, the boys in 6th Class will be designing their Robot for the Vex Robotics championship will will take place in IT Tralee in March.

Vex- Robotics

Boys from Sixth Class were delighted to get the opportunity to design and build their own Vex Robot. They spent a lot of time tweaking their design to ensure it is suitable for the competition. They deisgned a robot that can move, turn, lift, extend and drop items. Impressive design!

School Announcement!

Unfortunately, due to the latest developments with the Covid-19 Pandemic, the planned Vex-Robotics Competition due to take place in the IT Tralee had to be cancelled. Hopefully it will take place at a future date.

The boys have still enjoyed building and coding their robot at school and will hopefully get to visit the IT in the not too distant future.


Fourth Class have been building on their knowledge of coding using the LEGO WeDo. They have been experimenting with their robot design and have been adding new elements such as light and motion sensors.

School Closed!

Unfortunately due to the deterioration of the Covid-19 pandemic, all schools were closed on 12th March 2020.

It came as a shock to the entire school community but pupils and teachers quickly adadpted to minimise the disruption to all of the boys' education by introducing structures to support remote learning.


In our school, we used Seesaw Education to help improve communications between home and school during the lockdown and to ensure that the curriculum was still covered for the remained of the school year.

Its was a huge change for teachers and pupils alike but everyone adapted really well.

STEM at Home

Although we were not at school for the last few month of this year, teachers still tried to incorporate STEM activities and challenges into the boys' learning at home. Here are some of the photos from home that they shared with us!

The boys were asked to complete a project on a county of their choice and design a 3D structure of a famous land mark from their chosen county. These are a sample of their creations. Wow!

Another challenge was to design a boat that can float!

The boys also put their Lego to great use at home during lockdown.

Here are some of their creations!

Well done to all of the boys for their great work and determination to keep working during lockdown. Let's hope we will all be back to school to work together in person in September 2020.