What We Do For You
Responsabilidades de los Consejeros

Role of the School Counselor

information from the ASCA website

Parents, the press, administrators and the general public often wonder just what it is that school counselors do on a daily basis. Gone are the days of school counselors sitting in their office simply handing out college applications, making schedule changes for students who want to drop a class or waiting for a crisis to occur. Today's school counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, career and social/emotional development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.

The Need for School Counselors
School counselors are an important part of the educational leadership team and provide valuable assistance to students regardless of whether they work in an elementary school or middle school, high school or beyond.

Why Elementary School Counselors?

Why Middle/Jr. High School Counselors?

Why High School School Counselors?

Why School Counseling Directors/Coordinators?

Empirical Studies on the Effectiveness of School Counseling

Appropriate/Inappropriate School Counseling Program Activities
School counselors should spend most of their time in direct service to and contact with students. School counselors' duties are focused on the overall delivery of the total program through school counseling core curriculum, individual student planning and responsive services. A small amount of their time is devoted to indirect services called system support. Schools should eliminate or reassign certain inappropriate program tasks, if possible, so school counselors can focus on the prevention needs of their programs.