Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2nd, 2022 Meeting of Minneapolis Model Aero Club

Meeting was called to order by Gary Oakins at 12:07 pm. Dennis Batty had set up a Zoom meet and had 3 people on, Andy Ringlien, Bill Kuhl, and Jim Ladwig. (unfortunately, once the meeting started, we had turned the computer towards Gary and could no longer see when someone tried to join to let them in. We will fix this issue in the future.)

Treasurer’s Report was given.

Dennis had handed out a sheet with the outdoor contest dates on it for 2023. Gary Oakins asked that a fun fly in May be added. The date of 5/21/23 was decided on for that event. There was discussion about adding an electric event, E36. This event will be added to a couple of the contests. Garry Peterson brought up that it would be nice to have a Sky Bunny event or something that would help to promote newcomers. Nothing was decided on that.

Dennis brought up the idea of having a mass launch event. There was some discussion and more will be figured out about this at a later date.

A motion was made to approve the schedule dates and passed.

Gary Oakins brought up board member positions. He agreed to stay on as Vice President. Ron Cota agreed to remain treasurer. Dennis Batty agreed to take on the role of President and Tim Brockman agreed to be the secretary. Motion was made to approve these positions and passed.

Dennis brought up discussion about needing contest directors. He is currently working on becoming one. Tim Brockman has recently been approved as one. Andy Ringlien said he would work on becoming one.

There was discussion about the checking account and costs. Membership dues and contest fees offset costs such that the account stays roughly the same. 

Dennis mentioned that Andy Ringlien was the contest point winner for the year, even if he did not compete in the December contest. Dennis is getting a name plaque to add to the propeller trophy for 2022 with Andy’s name on it.

12:50 pm meeting adjourned