Minutes August 2022

The meeting of the MMAC was held on Aug. 5 in the Board Room of the Roseville library.

Our treasurer's report revealed that we are solvent and are awaiting funds from the June and July contests.

Several items of correspondence followed:

  • Since the library seems to be a viable alternative for our meetings, I contacted the EAA and officially informed them of our intention to meet elsewhere. Lyle Louden informed us that since our departure the EAA has made several improvements to the building. They apparently don't miss our $25/month.

  • I reached out to Tom Gustafson and he reports that he is alive and well and vows that we have not seen the last of him. We look forward to Tom and other notable absentees (Jim J, Bill K, etc) joining us this summer.

I was contacted by our foreign correspondent, Dave Edmonson, about picking up a variety of his gas models and somehow distributing them to interested parties, method undecided. This effort is on hold pending future negotiations between Dave and his son.

Dennis Batty gave us a talk about his recent trip to the Nats with Tim Brockman. Had a good time, flying was a mixed bag, and he learned a lot. He also ran into Rick Pangell and Bill Kuhl.

A suggestion was made to inject some life and equity into the HoSoFo event by making it a one-design affair. The Comet "Sparky" was mentioned as plans or kits are available; it's a good flier, and fairly easy to build. This would begin with the 2023 outdoor season. Additional input is welcome, but all in attendance seemed to think the concept and model choice is doable

Contest Aug 14 Hope to see you all there.