
Want to learn something new about a topic that interests you? Well, look no further.... We 6th grade teachers are working on providing you with the coolest, newest, and most interesting science topics that you can explore at home. Please use the links below to learn something new.

Mystery Science is going to be a really great place to watch mini-videos on a wide variety of science topics. Your parents can sign up and it is totally free. I have included some more information on how to access Mystery Science below:

FAQs for Using Mystery Science for Learning at Home

March 2020

I’m new to Mystery Science. What kind of science activities can I expect?

Mystery Science is an online science resource, with videos, discussion questions, and hands-on activities. Each lesson starts with a question to spark students’ curiosity.

We have two types of lessons:

  • Full Lessons (45-90 minutes, with hands-on activities): Aligned to grade-level standards, easy-prep activities, videos with built-in discussion questions.

  • Mini-Lessons (5-15 minutes, all digital): Videos answer real student questions using stunning visuals. Great for independent exploration - no adult support needed!

We've collected a sample of the easiest lessons to do from home, organized by grade-level, and put them on a single page:

What setup is needed?

To get started, an adult user signs up for a free trial account at

  • Parents: Once your account is created, just browse and find the best lesson for your at-home student.

Students DO NOT need accounts to access Mystery Science. We do not allow students to sign up themselves.

Parent FAQ

I received a student link from my child’s teacher - how does it work? What is it?

Student links allow students learning at home to access Mystery Science lessons and mini lessons. No log-in or accounts needed. Simply click the link to view the lesson.

I want to use Mystery Science at home to support my child, do I need to create an account?

To access all of the Mystery Science lessons for students to browse, you do need a free account. However, if your child’s teacher has included student links, then the links will work without log-ins or an account.

The fastest way to get started is this page: It lists the 10-12 easiest lessons to do at home for each grade, no account or log-in needed.

For full access to all Mystery Science lessons through June, create a free account at

Brainpop is another great online resource for a wide variety of subject matters, not just science. It may ask you to log-in

The username is: fremontelementaryschool

the password is: fesbears

There is also a link that is providing Brainpop for free during school closures if you would like to set up your own account.

Believe it or not, Khan Academy has some really great science topics and videos. I would suggest you keep to the introductions of their science areas, but feel free to play around a bit. I found a really great video on space and scale. Check it out!

Check out the website to explore stars, planets, constellations, and more!