
Please use this time to enjoy free choice reading. I know that many of you have books that you would love to explore that you may not have had any time to do so yet. We have included some free downloads of books that we thought you may enjoy. Don't forget that you can always still access Think Central to read the stories in the Journey's books even while you are at home! As we progress through the next few weeks, your teachers may ask you to read and complete work through Think Central, so check back to this page often!

Title 1

Here is a link to the Title 1 and Gifted/Talented website:

Here is a free copy of The City of Ember available as. Look below for Brian's Winter and

Esperanza Rising, too! All three of these are pdf downloads.


If you would like to check out some other books, click on this link.

Here is a link that has scheduled times of that an author will read their books to you.


Esperanza Rising

Click on the image to download the book.


Brian's Winter

Click on the image to download the book.