Ms. Hyslop's Class Page

Hi guys!.

I would like you to:

Read for 30 minutes a day and write a summary about what you read in our google classroom for reading. Each week I will add a new assignment for you to add it to.

Math 30 min a day. Check our google classroom for assignments.

Science/ social studies 20 min a day

Writing: do your journal

IXL is available to use for all subjects.

Check each of our google classrooms (reading, writing, math, and science/social studies) for updated assignments that you will do at home in a word document and attach or take a picture of your printed work and either email, update it to classroom, or text it to me.

I would also like each of you to write in your journal something you would like to share with me every day. You can either do this in the writing classroom under journal (it will be one assignment that you add to everyday) or you can write it in a spiral notebook and send me pictures of it.