Mrs. Grasmick's Class Page

For the week of May 4-8: Check out Mrs. G's new weekly website:

For the week of April 27-30: Check out Mrs. G's New weekly Website. Click on the link

For the week of April 20-24: Check out Mrs. G's new weekly website. Click on the link below:

For the week of April 13-17: Check out Mrs. G's new weekly website. Click on the link below.

Yes, this is the link. Just click on "Online Learning Apr. 13

Please continue to check Google Classroom OFTEN!

For the Week of April 6-10: Check out this website that sets the activities for each day. Just click on the link below:

The website will guide you in completing assignments and how to submit them to me. Check our GOOGLE CLASSROOM often!!!!

For the week of March 30 through April 2:

Choose 1 Reading activity to complete 30 minutes of reading each day.

Choose 1 Math website to practice math for 30 minutes each day.

Start a journal and write about your daily experiences for 15 minutes each day. Please check out the writing page for tips and tricks to start a journal. Choose one of the following topics to write about each day:

  • What are your daily routines as we take this extended break?

  • What are your feelings about what is going on with our country right now?

  • What is your favorite thing about being home right now?

  • What do you miss the most about school?

  • Who are you spending your break with and what is the best part about spending the extra time? (this could be a pet, sibling, parent, family member, etc.)

  • Write about anything that is currently on your mind.

Be ready to share parts of your journal, tell me about your reading, and tell me what you practiced in math through Google Classroom or (if we can get it up and running) Zoom.

Need to contact me?

Dani Grasmick

Office Hours: TWTh

7:00 am - 10:00 am


3:00pm - 5:30 pm


Remind: text @grasmick to the number 81010 and it will automatically sign you up for text messages from me. This will actually come to me as fast as a regular text.

We are all in this together and I am here to support in any way I can!