Medical Forms

BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR)

In order for anyone, adult or Scout, to participate in BSA activities, the troop must have on file an updated BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR), which has three parts: Part A, B1, B2, and C. Full information on the AHMR can be found here: 

Weekend Trips

For activities that are fewer than 72 hours long (hikes, weekend trips), Parts A and B are required, along with a copy of both sides of your insurance card: 

Week-long Trips

For activities that are longer than 72 hours (summer camp, high adventure camps), Parts A, B, and C are required, along with both sides of your insurance card: 


High Adventure Trips

For High Adventure trips, there are frequently additional forms needed. Please see this website for all AHMR-related information, including for High Adventure trips:  

What to Submit, To Whom, and When

When you have your complete Scouting Health Form (AHMR):