March- Issue 4

2018 - 2019 Editions

Message from the Editors

Just like spring, this issue of the Bell Roar has taken its sweet time to arrive. But here it is at last! Bell has seen some great victories recently at Musicfest and HOSA, and we’re excited to be capturing our Bruin spirit in this edition.

We’re currently stuck in an intermediate time, where snow still covers the ground while plants try to shoot up underneath. Seniors are caught in a limbo between high school and university, trying to pull up their grades before midterms while still savouring the last few months left with their friends. Though life can feel chaotic at this time, hold out, take a break, and enjoy a leisurely flip through the Roar.

Whatever your cup of tea, you’ll find it in here, from our classic word scramble to an article about the history of International Women’s Day.

Stay fresh Bell!

- Emma Creasy & Mimi Rakesh