Classroom Rules

Rules & Policies

  • Be in your seat when the bell rings---be ready to learn. Detentions will be assigned once the student has been tardy three times. BE ON TIME!
  • Raise your hand if you would like to speak. Wait to be called on before you start talking.
  • Candy/food/drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Gum is ok--no smacking your gum or blowing bubbles. All wrappers and trash must be disposed of properly or this privilege will be lost.
  • Please respect the property in the classroom and the school. Do not write or draw on the desks or any other contents of the room. Please do not doodle/draw on assignments or during class unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
  • Use only pencils on your assignments. Ink pens (blue or black ink) are ok for some activities that we do.
  • Do daily work on standard white notebook paper. Put your first and last name, hour, date and subject in the upper right hand corner of your paper. If practice problems are in the Student Record and Practice Journal - please put the same information at the top.
  • Students will only be able to leave the room if the following applies: the teacher deems it absolutely necessary, and the student has in his/her possession their agenda. Students may also leave the classroom at the request of the office. Take care of trips to the bathroom between classes.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for work missed while absent from school. Please do so before or after school or during Advisory or Prime Time (with teacher permission).
  • If a student misses school the day before a test or quiz, the student is expected to take the test or quiz on the scheduled day. Test and quizzes must be made-up according to teacher’s schedule.
  • Do not write, pass, or read notes during class. These will be taken away and read by the teacher. They will NOT be returned.
  • Use your agenda daily to record assignments and upcoming tests and quizzes. The agenda is also used as your hall pass if needed.

Rude or obscene language and/or gestures are unacceptable.