Back to School-August 17, 2021

Ever wondered why schools start in late Aug- Early September in the U.S?

The tradition dates back to the time when farming took precedence over everything else. Farming took place in spring, summer, and fall. Families need children to help around during the farming season with livestock and other farm duties. The schooling took place during colder months only! Different school districts organized schooling around the needs of the community. Some schools in the cities had year-round schools with breaks in between. The school year was 250-261 days long. Schools were not mandatory 100 years back. As society realized the importance of education, stricter rules were established to ensure uniformity in education. In 1852, Massachusetts became the first state to enact Compulsory Public Education Law. A compromise was reached between urban and rural school systems so that schools can start in Fall and kids can help with farming during summer!


Welcome Back to School Mustang!!

17th August, 2021!

(Images Credit: Ms.Stone, Ms.McCormick,Navya, FORclub) .

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