
The station is deliberately noticed as uniDEd for other reasons Its name is Palmer and is located 50 km SW of Thesaloniki.

Although this station goes closer to the norm of Greek pirates due to the music it plays , it has several exception that make it ‘special’

1. the station operates 24 hrs per day with play lists

2. a broader music range . It plays from ‘soft’ folk Greeks to ‘hard’ folk Greeks ie nearly the whole Greek music range

3. Its ID jingle is played very rarely . In 3 hours of program it can be heard only once !

The point of transmission is possibly 50 km far from our city Its power seems abt 2-5 kW

I can nearly advise the same for 1287 who transmits the whole day (it is from Athens ), and possibly from the new station on 792 kHz (unknown place )