Back Story

Records for according to start In early 2001. Verisign et al whois database indicates it was registered on 11/26/1999. In fact it was late 1998 just after my father had passed that I first secured with Network Solutions and began using it.

From 1993 I have been working with parametric equations in spreadsheets to make 'spirograph' like designs: Origins Jewelry Design Catalog which subsequently became products: Xirja Design Zazzle showcase

Beginning in 1998 I started using programs such as the Terrazzo plugin in Photoshop for tiling: 2002 Textile Design Catalog which then led to the Xirja Design Cafepress showcase

In 2005 I started creating from scratch a custom Mathematica solution: Xirja Design Mathematica showcase that subsequently led to the 2008 Textile Design Catalog

In 2008 Filter Forge bacame my primary tool for creating custom density plots and all other 2 dimensional work, and was the tool used to create the 2018 Textile Design Catalog and prior to this I began publishing examples in 2011:

Xirja Design Filter Forge showcase

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 1

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 2

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 3

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 4

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 5

Xirja Design Filter Forge example 6

VVVV is another tool I started using for animated 1 dimensional work:

Xirja Design VVVV example 1

Xirja Design VVVV example 2

Xirja Design VVVV example 3

Xirja Design VVVV example 4

Substance Designer is faster than Filterforge for 2 dimensional work, but is not as high fidelity:

Substance Designer debugging 1

Substance Designer debugging 2