How to Contribute

The fact that you are on this page means you are enthusiastic enough to consider helping with our effort. We welcome all contributions that enrich the site's contents (e.g., email addresses, news, proposals, related activities). Feel free to send us an email with your ideas.

Please note that the site is currently open for viewing by the general public, i.e., any one can see it. This is done for convenience but we may consider restricting access to members of WYK1960 only if that is warranted.

To be able to change the site's contents online including those on the Postings and News page, you need to be on the site's "collaborators" list. We would love to include all WYK1960 members and their friends as collaborators; just email us your request. However, due to a quirk of our web-host (viz., Google Sites), one also needs a google account to collaborate on a "Google Site", although such account can be any google account (e.g., gmail, which is quite popular). We regret this inconvenience and are currently working to circumvent the problem.

Once enlisted, you then log-in under your google account, click "sites" in the top left menu-ribbon or "MY SITES" in the top right menu-ribbon, and then WYK1960.