* 50th Anniversary, Nov 2010, HK

Thirty nine classmates showed up at the 2-part reunion celebration program and every one including spouses and friends who participated, we are glad to report, had a great time. How many in the photo below do you recognize after 50 years? [Don't worry, we also offer a cheat-sheet.]





[not in photo:劉石華;王式英]

See video1 & video2 circulating on YouTube that capture our visit to the campus.

Related photo albums: classroom & grand banquet

(Credit of videos and photos:  HK professionals, name unknown.)

Below are some of the comments from the attendees in the order in which they came in:

"關兄,在此再向在港和海外的同學們說聲"多謝",憑著大家的真誠和熱心使我們有著一個難忘的聚會.雖然在求學時,大家是在不同的班上,從來沒有机會打個招呯,但在聚會時大家能互相露出微笑的面容和問好. 現送上一些當日拍下的照片給你看,你可看到同學們不一樣的笑容. 請轉寄給同學們,謝.


"Hi All, I enjoyed our reunion very much.  It was a great feeling to be able to see classmates that I have not seen for 50 years.  Some of the names are familiar but the faces are a little difficult to place.  And then there are those whom I had not the pleasure to get acquainted in the 5 years that I was in Wah Yan because of the different classes we were in.  Our common bond, nonetheless, made this reunion a most pleasurable one.  Katie and I treasured your company and interesting conversation.

I apologize for not being able to join you in the farewell dinner at the Jockey Club. I am sure it was a lively one.

I understand some of you are talking about further reunions or simply getting together in regular intervals.  If that happens, I will make sure to do my best to fit the schedule.

In the meantime, we are only an email or a Skype away.  Please do keep in touch.Cheers. With warmest regards, Luke Lam"

"I would like to thank all of you for this reunion, especially M W Kwan and all others who organized this memorable event. Throughout the trip, signs of careful planning were everywhere. 

I will remember this experience for the rest of my days. If there is another reunion, I will do my best to attend. God willing. 

Thank you all! John C Wong"

"Dear MW

I returned home to an uncharacteristically cold and frozen (El Nina) Seattle from a very warm (both friendship and weatherwise) reunion in Hong Kong and China. I enjoyed every minute of the well organized and memorable reunion. It is great to renew old acquaintances and get to know more about classmates whom I did not have the pleasure of knowing while we were in Wah Yan due to the fact that we were in different classes. I want to thank everyone for making the occasion so unforgetable.

Please let me know of any plans for future get togethers and I will try my best to be there.

In the mean time, best wishes and good health to every one.

My special thanks for MW Kwan and his wife who not only contributed greatly towards organizing the reunion but also walked the tours with us despite her hip replacement. Thank you.

John Cheung aka Bosco"

"Dear Man Woo,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Victoria for putting in so much effort and time to organize our class reunion. It was a wonderful event. 

I am grateful to have the opportunity to meet up with so many classmates, many of whom I have not seen for almost 50 years. My thanks also goes to Sonny Sie, Felix Wong, Tsao Chi Wing and others who helped organize this get together. Hope that there will be other opportunities to meet up in the not too distant future. Best regards,

Patrick Yeung Pui Hang"

"We deeply appreciate the time, energy, and effort that you and Victoria put into the reunion activities.  Everything was done with surgical precision and perfection in the end results.  We enjoyed every meal and laughter.  Like the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai Expos, the 50th Reunion will stay in our hearts and mind forever.

It is a tough act to follow; but, let's do it again!

Wing and Kimmy Tsao"

"Yes. Ditto.

Henry Chang"

"As I finished reading each comment about the organizers of this reunion, I have to say that 'I couldn't agree with you more'.

One more thing I would like to add. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the participants of this reunion (the old Wah Yan boys and their significant others) for their excellent behavior throughout the reunion that make this entire event such a wonderful experience to remember.

Wilfred Hung"

"Man Woo,

We are grateful and appreciative of all the thoughts, ideas and work you've gone through to produce such a wonderful event. My wife and I enjoyed every minute of it and brought back with us a memorable visit of WYK College and the re-union with all the old school mates we haven't seen in so many years.  We also like to thank all the other organizers who spent a lot of time and effort to organize the event. If there is the potential of another re-union in the near future, we will be there.

Many thanks again!

Gerald & Mary Shum"

"Dear ladies,

Thank you for joining us to celebrate our reunion party. The party woud not be the same without your prsence and smile. Wih my best regards and wishes to you and your family.

Simon Chan"

"I am so glad that I was able to make it to the WYK 50th anniversary reunion. Thanks to Man Woo who was able to locate me the last minute. It gave me tremendous joy to meet again all our old and dear friends which I hadn't seen for so many years. I really enjoy reading Man Woo's Chinese E-mail and the poem he sent to everyone; it touches my heart.

Looking forward to meeting you all again in the near future, Cheers, 

Terence & Alice Chan"

"I enjoyed the school reunion in November which for me was one of the strangest but nonetheless happiest experiences this year. When I arrived at WYC the morning of November 13, I saw a bunch of old guys some of whom I recognized while others I had no clue. However, their name tags gave me instant familiarity. 

And that is the paradox: Do I really know you? After fifty years of non-communication? I think I know you, but do I know if you have a wife, or two wives, children, grand-children or even great-grand-children? Do I know what business you are in? In short, in actual fact, we are nearly perfect strangers.

In the twilight of our lives (if you would agree to that), it is perfectly safe to reacquaint ourselves and learn from one another life's precious experience. Wouldn't that be an enriching thing?

Bartholomew Tsui"

"I just want to say I had a great time with my old classmates thanks to the great effort of MW.  I look forward to the next one.

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year everyone." 

Herb (Herbic) Chang