Class Roster/E-Book

This "reconnect" project evolved from the 1960 WYK year-book photos of our Form 5 (see "Class Photos" section below). While there are minor errors in spelling/omission in the captions, the photos are a precious resource since every face in our class of that year, save for one, was captured in print. They bring back fond memories of 60 years ago as if we had just parted yesterday.

From this humble beginning, the photos have evolved into a class roster with contact information. Our aim is to ultimately associate every face in the photos with a name (English, Chinese, Christian), regional location, email address, cell phone number, and other contact info. In this effort, we were lucky to hook up with the Wah Yan Kowloon 1957-1958 F3D group. Members of this group were together in Form 3D two years before matriculation and have remained closely networked since. These friends are also included in the roster.

The database is attached for your review (see contact-list.pdf below). Please help us ensure that its contents are correct and up-to-date (how). Inputs to a parallel effort, the E-book project, that have been received so far are also included (see e-book.xls). However, if all you need is the essential contact info (i.e., no images) or if you are in a hurry, use the contact-list.pdf, courtesy of Leung ying-wai (Waijai).

Important Notes: (1) The data files are password-protected to safeguard their contents. If you do not yet have the password, please notify us and we'll send it to you via email. All members of the class and their friends will have access. (2) Certain xls (MircroSoft Excel) spreadsheet files may not be "view"-ed satisfactorily within Google; "download" is the only option if that is the case. [Google likes to view spreadsheets by converting them to HTML, and is not always successful in that regard.]





The class files, viz., contact-list.pdf and e-book.xls, have been removed for privacy protection. Please contact organizers for copies.