know who ...

WE'VE got to know who taught the truth about lineage

"You might be curious about what I'm teaching 

. . . . it's actually simple:

. . . First, it is to live for the sake of others. More specifically, my teaching is that the individual lives for the family, the family for the tribe, the tribe for the society, the society for the nation, the nation for the world, and the world for God. Then, God will come to us. In the family, parents are to live for children, children for parents, husband for wife, and wife for husband. Those who live for others more than themselves will become models of righteousness. Second, I am teaching people to love their enemies. God Himself sacrificed Jesus, His only begotten son, for the salvation of human beings, who through the Fall, became the children of the devil, Satan. Satan could not help but surrender voluntarily before God who loved His enemy's children more than His own. Satan always strikes the first blow, but loses out in the end; whereas God's strategy is based on the formula of initially being struck and later recovering what was taken from Him. Despite undergoing much persecution and hardship throughout my life, I was able to establish missionaries in 185 nations throughout the world because of living in accordance with this heavenly principle." (January 22, 2000)

"Jesus said, ‘I am the bridegroom and you are the bride’. The standard of heart that qualifies us to be the bride is not an emotion that is entrenched in human affairs; nor does that standard of heart change as the times change. Such a standard of heart does not compromise with the human immorality of this world. This world's people do not know the meaning of being a bride. Who is a bride who can stand in front of the man who is the bridegroom? It should be someone who can yearn for the heart of the bridegroom. After having deeply felt it, that person should go the way of properly establishing an eternal standard of heart in word and deed. Jesus is not able to take the role of our true bridegroom if we do not meet such a standard." (July 19, 1959) 

"True love is to be attained through experience and understood through feeling. True love is not something that can be mastered through words, writings, or general education. It can be completely attained only through daily life. In their process of growing up from childhood, Adam and Eve were supposed to reach perfection by experiencing and feeling the heart of true children, the heart of true brother and sister, the heart of true husband and wife, and the heart of true parents, step-by-step, through daily life. Finally, only after they deeply learned God's true love as a whole family, through experience, they would have become ideal people who perfected the purpose of creation." (April 16, 1996) 

                                                                                       ~ From the words of Sun Myung Moon (Translated, edited)

Father Moon's midnight prayer on the 2012 lunar new year, at age 93

"천력 12년 원단, 1월 1일 원단에 0시 기도를 올리옵나이다.By Heaven's calendar, in the 12th year, 1st month and 1st day, at midnight, this prayer I offer.

창조주 되신 에덴 동산의 하나님께서 초부득삼, 1차, 2차, 3차 선악과를 따먹는 날에는 영원히 멸망할 것이며, 그것을 뜻대로 하시면 그날로부터 0시, 에덴동산 그때에서부터 모든 것이 완전 완성 완료하여 참사랑의 나라를 중심 삼은/ 승리와/ 해원과/ 완성의 해방의 천국을 지상세계에 축복받음으로 말미암아

Heavenly Father, as the Creator who made the Garden of Eden, you have worked to accomplish your purpose through three successive attempts, as the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” You warned us that eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge would bring eternal ruin. If your will had been fulfilled in the Garden of Eden, then everything would have become perfect, complete and finalized from that initial time. This earthly world would have been blessed with a kingdom of heaven, surrounding a nation of true love, in victory, liberation and perfection.

하늘과 땅이 완성 완결하여 하나님의 참사랑에 일체 되어 전통과 핏줄을 연결하여 닮을 수 있는 장자권, 장자 장남 장녀권의 축복의 행사로 말미암아 모든 승리와 해원과 완성의 시대를 맞아 영원불멸의 자주적인 창조 이상의 세계가 임신된(되는) 그 시간에서부터 지금까지 완결 완성 완료할 수 있는 승리의 세계가 완성하지 못한 것을,

Heaven and earth would have become perfect and complete, attaining oneness with your true love and connecting to your tradition and lineage. Through the blessing of the realm of the eldest son and the realm of the eldest daughter – a son and daughter who both resemble you – a time of complete victory, liberation and perfection would have begun, and an eternal and immortal autonomous world of your ideal of creation would be conceived. That victorious world, which could have been completed, perfected and finalized, has even now not been perfected.

초부득삼의 3수를 대신해서 혼의 시대를 넘어서 영인체의 기운에, 절대신앙 절대사랑 절대복종의 영인체를 이어 받은 승리의 패권의 나라를, 천지인 참부모 천기 12년 원단을 기하여 해방 완성 왕권의 새로운 자주적 하나님의 전권의 시대로 입성할 수 있는 새로운 출발을 선포하게 된 것을 참부모의 이름으로 축복받은 영계와 육계 210대의 해방권에서 승리의 패권적 왕권이 영원히 계속될지어다. 아주! 아주! 아주!

Representing the third attempt referred to in the saying, 'If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,' we have gone beyond the age of the soul onto the energy of the spirit self. On this first day of the twelfth year of the Heavenly Foundation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, I proclaim, in the name of the True Parents, a new beginning from when it is possible for the nation of victorious dominion, which has inherited the spirit self of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, to enter a new time of liberation, perfection and royal authority, an autonomous time of our Heavenly Father’s full authority. The victorious dominion of royal authority, based on the realm of the liberation of 210 blessed generations in the physical and spirit worlds, will continue for eternity. Aju! Aju! Aju!" (2012.1.23; Translated, edited)

Sun Myung Moon received his mission from Jesus at the age of 16

"To him who overcomes and does my will to the end,

 I will give authority over the nations

'He will rule them with an iron scepter

he will dash them to pieces like pottery' 

 - just as I have received authority from my Father." 

"She gave birth to a son, a male child, 

who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter

And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne." 

"Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. 

'He will rule them with an iron scepter.' 

He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: 


(Revelation 2:27; 12:5; 19:15-16)

A scepter 

is a symbol of lineage

The Israel people carved their genealogy in a spiral around a wooden staff


Jesus said he would come 

 on the clouds  

 Jesus prayed, "... Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done ... 

 on the earth 

Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom

 on the earth 

Jesus will give authority over the nations

 on the earth 

A woman gives birth to a son 

 on the earth 

". . . Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. 

They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God." (Revelation 21:3)

"For what mission does the Messiah come? 

The Messiah comes to confer the title of Son of God to all

 people, starting with Israel."


(History Through the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity, Sun Myung Moon, 1981;

To inherit and bequeath God's lineage

Father and Mother Moon were born into the lineage of our Creator, like Jesus was

They are just as human as you and I, but their lineage has been made anew  

Their mission is to bequeath our Creator's lineage to all the people of the world

Now that our Creator's lineage has been established in a family 

All people can graft to that family as branches are grafted to a tree  

This is done through the 'Holy Marriage Blessing' ceremonies

The 'Holy Marriage Blessing' is for people of all faiths

Church membership is not required

After attending the Blessing, leaders of other faiths may give the Blessing 

to their own congregations, in their own places of worship

Our Creator's lineage is inherited through three ceremonies 

and three generations of each family

Families should practice altruistic love 

and uncompromising standards of sexual ethics and virtues 

And, they should create a culture of sexual morality 

in their schools, communities, tribes and nations  

Blessed candles

Link to this video on vimeo:

To learn more, visit the websites below:    

Official website:

Words from Mother Moon:

Many sermons and books, in several languages:

A blog with quotes about sex ethics (scroll down the page to find the article):

A quick overview of the ceremonies to change blood lineage:

A resource for Holy Wine to use in ceremonies to change blood lineage:

A guide for studying the genealogy of people named in the Bible:

An online book with research about the genealogy of Jesus: