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"WE'VE got to do it together!"

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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Blue Heart Campaign:

What is the Blue Heart Campaign?

The Blue Heart represents the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings. The use of the blue UN color also demonstrates the commitment of the United Nations to combating this crime against human dignity.

An awareness raising initiative to fight human trafficking and its impact on society.

The Blue Heart Campaign seeks to encourage involvement and inspire action to help stop this crime.

The Campaign also allows people to show solidarity with the victims of human trafficking by wearing the Blue Heart.

"WE'VE got get the word out!"

Find a way to spread the message:

Twitter:  Seriouspeace


                                                  And, WE'VE got to get 'the Word' in!

                                 WE'VE got to talk about the Word 

that our ethics and virtues come from.

WE'VE made this website religiously generic by using 

'our Creator' rather than a Name. 

It is not to avoid religion, but to welcome 

as many people as possible who are from diverse religions.

However, without dictating religion, WE'VE got to provide resources for sex education based on religious values.

So, please contribute your scriptures or religious writings 

that are about sex ethics and virtues.

Then, website users can freely choose to 

include or exclude them in their education programs.

Specifically, we want to focus on scriptures 

that teach about lineage, family and marriage.

For example, the Bible has words that are symbols for lineage:

Use an online Bible and search for tree, 

vine, root, trunk, branch, leaf, flower, seed, fruit or scepter. 

'Scepter' comes from the Hebrew word for a wooden stick with names of a family's lineage carved in it.