
The current release of WitPTracker AE is 1.11 (May 1, 2021).

You can download it as a ZIP file from the link above.

If you have an earlier version of WitPTracker AE, you can just replace the witptracker.jar file from the ZIP. Make sure you have the new version of the pwsdll7.dll also (this is the DLL that will allow for Java 7 and Java 8).

Release 1.11 (May 1, 2021)

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for earlier releases are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.9.2 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Additional variations of Operations Report parsed

    • Device Pool History pop-up added Upgrade column to the bottom table

    • Air capacity shown in both "Cargo Capacity" and "CV Info" views in the Ships panel

    • Allow multiple selection in Leaders panel so it can be exported

Bugs Fixed:

    • Operations report parsing of coastwatcher search caused exception

    • Ship class images properly displayed

Known Issues:

    • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often

    • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

Download the release above.

Release 1.10 (June 13, 2015)

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for earlier releases are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.9.2 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Support for Java 7 and Java 8. The new pwsdll7.dll file is needed in the WitPTracker folder for this to work.

    • Read in the Operations text file and display in the Intel panel (new tab added). This is a work in progress and not all text patterns are supported. If you find one shown in the Command Window as not recognized, send it to me and I'll add it.

    • Enemy sub position shown in Map Panel. This is derived from the information read from the operations text file. Sub positions are marked with green squares and the turn number (brighter number for more recent turn).

    • LCU upgrade on/off in LCU Panel

    • HQ type in LCU Panel

Bugs Fixed:

    • Victory point calculation for 4E aircraft (2 points)

    • Error on the TOE for purchased LCU

    • Destroyed Chinese units re-queued

    • AirGroup HQ filter missing some HQ

    • Base resource alert issue for custom scenarios

    • Japanese HQ names in Base Panel

    • Withdrawal alert for AirGroups that have returned

    • AirGroup withdrawal message not working across month boundaries

    • Issue with ship upgrade information with duplicated weapons

    • Convoys with aircraft causing issues

Known Issues:

    • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often

    • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

Download the release here.

Release 1.9.2

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for earlier releases are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.9.2 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Ship Movement tracker in Map Panel shows when a ship was sunk in black

    • LCU Panel shows TOE in the table in the LCU tab and which LCUs use the TOE in the details of the Formations tab

    • Base Panel adds an "insufficent garrision" special filter

    • Ship Class Panel add a special filter to hide classes not available yet

    • Export CSV for pilots

    • Air Production Panel has additional details in the tool tips

Bugs Fixed:

    • Ship weapon damage properly stored in the database

    • Aircraft types with a single quote in the name can be read

    • Export CSV exports strings with double quotes in them so that when they are read in to Excel/etc works fine

    • Production Panel fixes for convoy planner, filtering in Regional Industry tab

Known Issues:

    • Ship Class Upgrades get confused when there are multiple of the same device in the same place

    • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often

    • Purchased LCUs with non-standard TOEs show database errors when they go back into the reinforcement queue (harmless, but annoying)

    • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

Release 1.9.1

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.9, 1.8, 1.7.1, 1.7, 1.6.1, 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.9.1 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Ship Movement tracker in Map Panel shows the turn number(s) at each point

Bugs Fixed:

    • Ship Repair panel's Port View properly sorts all columns

    • LCU objects read in on initialization (and thus, AV properly shown)

Known Issues:

    • Ship Class Upgrades get confused when there are multiple of the same device in the same place

    • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often

    • Purchased LCUs with non-standard TOEs show database errors when they go back into the reinforcement queue (harmless, but annoying)

    • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

Release 1.9

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.8, 1.7.1, 1.7, 1.6.1, 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.9 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Victory points for LCU losses are counted

    • Economic multipliers are read from the save file, supporting custom scenarios

    • Support for larger pilot pool size

    • Paratroop/cavalry notation on infantry units is now shown in LCU panel and LCU production panel

    • Nation filter in Aircraft panel and Ships panel

    • Additional details added for pilots in the Summary panel

    • Ship withdrawal/return shown on ships

    • Comments can be added to the file (start the line with a hash (#) character)

    • Device end date shown in Device panel (on upgrade everything shows as 0/0, but after reading a turn, it will be properly updated)

    • CSV export of Resource panel information

    • SigInt file import possible with two-day turn cycle games

    • Ship panel added CV-related information, fuel/hex, cargo/fuel/hex, and filter for AK-t ships

    • Base panel filter for bases with damage

    • Ship Class panel added number of ships and ships-to-come counts, fuel/hex, cargo/fuel/hex, conversion types in details, grouped-types in filter

    • Air Groups panel shows plane deficit/overage (active - max)

    • TF Panel shows fuel usage/day

    • Resources panel shows region and filter added for region

    • Engine planning 18 months out

    • LCU Panel shows packed/unpacked state and alert added when packed or unpacked

Bugs Fixed:

    • Proper handling of two-day turns for SigInt files

    • Port, AF and fort expansion that was out of range for the database is fixed (shows as 101%)

    • Support types from an LCU counted towards the base regardless of the LCU's operations mode

    • Engineer count in the LCU panel corrected

    • Pilot filter on Group only shows pilots that are active in a group

    • Device type ELINT corrected

    • Special sunk conditions corrected (e.g., hit obstruction, grounding, eaten by giant whale)

    • Air Group target fixed (needs to read a new turn to get corrected)

Known Issues:

    • Ship Class Upgrades get confused when there are multiple of the same device in the same place

    • Ship withdrawal alert may show too often

    • Purchased LCUs with non-standard TOEs show database errors when they go back into the reinforcement queue (harmless, but annoying)

    • Scenarios where units have a delay of 9999 are shown, but a filter should be added to hide them

Release 1.8

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.7.1, 1.7, 1.6.1, 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.8 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Maximum oil storage at a base exceeded alert added

    • Custom header using Header keyword in file (see Set up)

    • Support for 2-day turns in SigInt reading using TurnCycle keyword in file (see Set up)

    • Aircraft attributes (e.g., heavy bomber) in Aircraft panel, Aircraft Comparison panel and Aircraft Upgrade window

    • Filter on aircraft attributes (e.g., heavy bomber) in Aircraft panel

    • CSV export for aircraft loss and victory point information

    • Nation filter added to Airgroups panel

    • Need column added to Device Usage popup

    • LCU primary unit and sub-unit information shown in LCU panel, database upgrade to get this information

    • Alert for when an LCU's TOE upgrades

Bugs Fixed:

    • SigInt for leap year in 1944 corrected

    • TOE percentages for units with fragments corrected to match the game's information

    • HQ restriction notations fixed

    • Null Pointer exception for LCU history corrected by making the program a little stricter on recognizing a real LCU

    • LCU formation devices missing rows should no longer be missing

    • AA rating for ships no longer divided by two

    • AirGroups pilots history shows the up and down arrows in the right color for the direction

    • Filters for ship classes in Ship and Ship Class panels corrected

    • LCU reached destination alerts should now be generated properly

    • "Can't find device" message shown when reading a turn no longer shown

Known Issues:

    • Ship Class Upgrades get confused when there are multiple of the same device in the same place

Release 1.7.1

Some important bugs fixed.

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.7, 1.6.1, 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.7 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • none

Bugs Fixed:

    • Resource histories properly aligned

    • Liquid (oil and fuel) load rates corrected

    • Null pointer exception fixed in Air Production panel

Known Issues:

    • nothing new

Release 1.7

Lots of bug fixes and new features added!

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.6.1, 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.7 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Bunker fuel added for ships

    • CSV export added for ship upgrades

    • Industry panel small tweaks and support for resizing

    • Air Production history small tweaks

    • Ship panel filter options enhanced, toggle to view between different sets of data

    • Alerts added for Japanese economy

    • Base load rates in details and tool tip on port in Base panel

    • Base panel shows aircraft at base along with available support, filter added for bases with insufficient support; filter for bases repairing and those repairing with less than 10000 supply.

    • Database Maintenance screen added (from File menu) to allow purging of old alerts

    • LCU Production panel had lots of changes made

    • AirGroups panel added mission percentages (database is upgraded to add; new turn read populates values), filter on mission type and supply requirement

    • Task Force AirGroups also shows mission percentages

    • AirGroups panel added filter to show groups with pilots having a delay of 1

    • AirGroups panel and Task Force Airgroups pop-up pilots column shows a tool tip with an overview of pilot counts

    • Task Forces panel shows an estimated ETA to the home port (in days) and in the details panel, a tooltip on the cargo magnifying glass showing unload rate at the destination (for missions with cargo)

    • Ship Production panel added Captial Ship filter for ship type

    • Aircraft upgrade paths enhanced and shown as a tooltip in AirGroups panel upgrade column. PDU setting read on database initialization, otherwise assumed to be off. New pop-up added to show upgrade options and compare with current model.

Bugs Fixed:

    • Crashing during Task Force comparison due to an empty TF

    • Base Object history and resource history adjusted for when you don't own the base

    • Corrections to the percentages for AF, port and fort expansions

    • Ship repair alerts no longer reported for sunk ships

    • Sorting fixed for LCU disruption and fatigue

    • Nation filter on right updates in Aircraft Comparison

    • More than 32767 pilots handled (database upgraded automatically to accommodate)

    • Ship cargo for units with high IDs now show up properly (air groups and LCUs)

    • Recognition of real airgroups from the save file improved to not find "bad" groups

    • LCU comparison on turn loading missing LCUs

Known Issues:

    • Data patch that messed up games in progress with damaged ship devices will likely mess up WitPTracker

Release 1.6.1

Some bugs fixed and a couple of new features were added.

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.6, 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.6 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over (but if you're still using Release 1.1, you're probably not upgrading to this release anyhow...).

New Features:

    • Alert added for pilots coming in from reserve.

    • CSV export added for Ship Classes and Ship Production.

Bugs Fixed:

    • Extraneous ship class upgrade alerts every five turns no longer generated.

    • Sunk ship notes carry over between turn loading.

    • Minefield change amount set properly in Minefield Panel.

Known Issues:

    • Nothing else new

Release 1.6

Apparently we made a lot of changes, but it has been four months...

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.5.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.5 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

New Features:

    • AirGroup fatigue shown. There is no upgrade for this, so each group starts out with a fatigue of 0, but the next turn loaded will set it appropriately.

    • Tonnage shown in Sunk Ships tab

    • CSV export added for sunk ships, LCU production

    • Last 3 turns filter added to the Intel panel

    • LCU Panel shows base load for a unit

    • Base Panel shows maximum troop load (DB is upgraded to get this from PWHEX.DAT) and current troop load, plus filter to show bases which exceed. Also shows fuel at the base.

    • Aircraft Panel and Aircraft Comparison Panel show gun value for each model

    • HQ restricted status for LCUs (DB is upgraded to get the data). This is currently not perfect. Also shows "(R)" next to restricted HQs and in the details section shows how the HQ is restricted (perm, static, temp)

    • AirGroup Panel sorts models in drop-downs

    • Lack of supply for LCUs not counted for LCUs embarked on ships.

    • Window menu added to set the main window to remain on top (or not).

    • Initial regions are all "Japan" when you start a new database. So now you have to manually set or import. Enough people complained that our heuristic wasn't good enough and since it wasn't really easy to fix, we just took it out.

    • Ship Repair delay shown in Ship Repairs panel. Alert added when repairs are completed.

    • Ship Production panel added summary table (Japan only), Allies have a checkbox to remove Soviet ships, cargo capacity was added to the details and a tool-tip was added in the summary table for factories repairing/not building.

    • LCU Production panel added overview table and can accommodate wide screen.

    • The Ship Conversion tab in Ship Upgrades panel can now show ships scheduled as reinforcements.

    • Ship Panel shows the Ship ID (to help in export to CSV).

    • Ability to turn off the map. It was found that the map is a big memory and start-up time killer, so now you have the option to turn it off. In the command line, add a string "nomap" (without the quotes) at the end. See the new WitPTrackerNoMap.bat for how it works, or just use that one instead.

    • Some speed-up attempt was made for starting up. I only did this for ships, in case it was made worse. My simple testing looked good, though. What it does is every five turns, it creates a "checkpoint" in the database so that the loading only has to go back at most 5 turns to get the latest information (the former method went back to the first turn loaded, if need be).

    • New regions file for DaBigBabes mod.This was done quickly, so there may be errors.

Bugs Fixed:

    • LCU history shows supply properly now

    • Falsely reported sunk enemy ship removes the original alert saying the ship was sunk, but the falsely reported alert shows the turn it was originally reported as sunk.

    • LCU upgrade objects properly updated.

    • APA included in the AP filter in the Ship Panel

    • Error inserting saved sunk ships fixed

    • Map search arcs that have more planes than degrees to search stop when the arc is supposed to end.

    • Aircraft R&D for the other side no longer alerted

    • Pilot comparison in turn loading cause the program to hang sometimes

    • Read turn progress bar goes in order now

    • Engineer computation for LCUs fixed

    • NullPointer exception errors in Ship Repairs panel fixed

    • Import regions function updates Summary and Map Panels

    • Device pool active count when all devices have been upgraded should now properly show 0.

Known Issues:

    • Nothing else new

Release 1.5.1

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.5 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

New Features:

    • Support items shown in Base panel (engineers shown as squads + vehicles*5, aviation support as-is, naval support shown as total with other HQ in range's support applied in parenthesis)

    • Support items shown in LCU panel (engineers shown as squads + vehicles*5, aviation and naval support as-is)

    • History tables in Ship Repairs panel can now sort

    • Supply levels shown in LCU panel, filter added to show only those that have less than needed

    • SigInt pattern with a ship count added to Intel panel

Bugs Fixed:

    • Ship upgrades for all ships should work now (upgrade ID's greater than 2000 didn't work before). For this to work, however, you'll need to start over with a new database.

    • Intel file reading for the first of a month works (date routine was messed up)

Known Issues:

    • Nothing else new

Release 1.5

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.4, 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.5 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

New Features:

    • Failed industry handling and display; alerts updated

    • LCU TOE upgrades displayed in LCU panel and alert when it happens

    • Ship Panel class filter enhanced for patrol craft and DD

    • LCU withdrawal displayed, filter added, alert added

    • LCU replacement on/off displayed in LCU panel table

    • AirGroup withdrawal displayed, filter added, alert added

    • AirGroup reinforcement delay displayed in AirGroups panel in parenthesis in the Reinf Avail column

    • Aircraft end date displayed in Aircraft panel

    • CSV export added for Aircraft, Leaders, and Intel

    • Pilot rank, delay and plane type displayed in Pilots tab

    • Task Force home port, endurance displayed in Task Force panel; alerts added when out of fuel and when not enough fuel to get back to the home port

    • Ability to read in multiple day Signal Intelligence. See details here. Doesn't use the new "archive" folder yet, but you can manually read in text files from there.

    • AirGroup upgrade path Special filter added to AirGroups panel (not 100% tested)

    • Notes column in Ship Class panel added

Bugs Fixed:

    • Air pool and engine calculation fixes

    • Ship Repairs panel also shows ships with only float or engine damage

    • Base port/runway/airfield damage properly read

    • LCU disruption properly read

    • British/Australian/CW ranks updated

    • Read turn error on SigInt with some pattern I didn't expect

    • Spoilage for bases with port + AF < 9 (instead of < 10)

    • AirGroups not in scenario no longer shown

Known Issues:

    • Nothing else new.

Release 1.4

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.3 and 1.3.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.4 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

The release also provides a new region-mapping file: Kull_Regions_v131a.txt. There is also an Excel file explaining how it's different from the Nomad files and the default.

New Features:

    • Torpedo rating added to Ships panel. This is the number of torpedoes which can be launched in a single salvo.

    • Base panel shows garrison requirement (if any) and Assault Strength at the (friendly) base. A filter was also added to show just bases with a garison requirement. Note that the Assault Strength is not perfectly accurate, but is very close.

    • Manual read of sig int text files. A new menu item was added to the Turn menu which will allow a text file to be selected. When selected, the file will be checked to ensure it's for a turn that has been loaded (file contents are for the previous day). You can also re-read the information for a turn (wipe out the current, read in new; just in case the program read in the wrong file).

    • New filter added to Device panel to hide devices with an available date of "99/99".

    • Dataset menu re-ordered to make more logical sense.

Bugs Fixed:

    • Reading the sig int text file for a turn on January 1st cause the program to crash.

    • Search arcs and flag icons for the Map panel now updated when a new turn is read in.

    • Changing the scale on the Map panel now seems to be okay (scroll bars stay and scroll the right amount).

    • Industry panel no longer confused by two bases with the same name.

Known Issues:

    • Text files for 2- and 3-day games doesn't work.

    • Nothing else new.

Release 1.3.1

This is an incremental fix for loading the signal intelligence files. The program will now also look for a file called "asigint.txt" or "jsigint.txt" if it can't find a file with a date on in the name. Also, it will look for the file for the date previous to the turn being loaded. That means, for example, if you load the first turn (12/7/41), it will be looking for a file named (for Japanese player), jsigint_411206.txt, which won't exist, but if you load the save after the first turn is run, the date will be 12/8/41 and it will look for a file named jsigint_411207.txt or jsigint.txt which should exist for December 7th.

Also added a tooltip to the Turn column in the Intel panel that shows the date associated with the turn number.

Release 1.3

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.2 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message if you have a release earlier than 1.2 and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

Note: this release adds features which require more memory. If you are not running the program from the witptracker.bat file, you need to be sure that whatever you're using will start up with the memory settings contained in the witptracker.bat file (-Xms384 -Xmx512).

The release also provides two new region-mapping files: Nomad_Region_File_4.txt, which is good for older WitP:AE releases and Nomad_Region_File_5.txt which is good for WitP:AE patch 2. We made some slight changes (deleted the last blank line and changed Continental Us to Continental US). These are also the only region-mapping files now provided.

New Features:

    • Map Panel: new panel which will either let you select a base from the menus and the map will scroll to them or show search arcs. The map can be scaled to different levels. Note that the map flags may need a new turn to be read to show up properly and search arcs must read in a turn to be able to display, since that data was never stored before.

    • Intel Panel: new panel which will show a tabular view of the information in the sigint text files. The text files are read in when a turn is read in and need to be named with an underscore (_) and the game date and needs to be in the same folder as the save file (except for the multi-turn read, which will also check the parent folder). The panel can be sorted and filtered by turn, intel type, base name and/or unit/ship name.

    • Industry Panel: new chart pop-up from Global tab showing history of production/resources, sorting enhancements, resource history including resources loaded on ships.

    • Task Force Panel: display of resources loaded in details, plus history of loaded resources.

    • LCU Panel: tool tip on location cell showing the date of arrival for reinforcements, Op Mode and filter added to table, HQ filters for sub-ordinate HQs added

    • LCU formation shows pool amount and control to hide devices that have been upgraded.

    • Sunk ship FOW for enemy ships works for the changes in Patch 2.

    • Accelerated engines show up with new date and a new alert.

    • Aircraft Production Panel: handles full screen, new filter for non-Soviet aircraft

    • Base Panel: new filter for bases which lack needed supply

Bugs Fixed:

    • Aircraft models with a maximum load greater than 32767 handled, but the program must be restarted with a fresh database.

    • LCU headquarters type corrected, but the program must be restarted with a fresh database to get the proper field from the save file.

    • Arrows in Pilot training pool history fixed

    • Possible issues with an aircraft with an ID of 600 not being properly counted as Japanese resolved.

Known Issues:

    • If a Task Force is disbanded and a new one is created with the same ID, the history for that TF will not be restarted.

    • Sometimes the map doesn't adjust right after you change the scale factor. I'm not sure why, but if you change the display item to something else and then back, it usually clears up.

    • Some of the new features and fixes require a restart or load of a new turn, as specified above.

Release 1.2

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for release 1.1 are compatible with this new release. When you start the program for the first time, you will see an "Upgrading WitPTracker AE database." message and then the program should start up normally.

To use this release with a database from a release earlier than 1.1, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

New Features:

    • Ship and Ship History CSV exports added

    • Ship damage items (major flotation, engine, major engine, repair mode and repair priority) added to Ship panel, Task Force panel, Ship History and Ship Repairs panel.

    • Multi-turn read allows all pws files to be examined and the dialog window will show the timestamp for each file.

    • LCU destination, distance marched, operations mode, and combat order shown in LCU panel and LCU history.

    • Ship Conversions added to the Ship Upgrade panel

    • Notes fields added in LCU and Air Groups panels

    • Nation filter added in the Aircraft Comparison panel

    • Industry panel: Report tab shows pilot training cost; Oil&Res tab and Supply&Fuel tab added surplus/days per base; a special "TF" region was added so it can be selected to show just task forces

    • Database upgrade added for new features that needed it. For the other new items, you need to read in a new turn for the values to show properly (e.g., engine damage will show as 0 for all ships until you read in a new turn and the actual values can be read from the save file).

    • Database loading time displayed when the program starts up. We're working on improvements to startup...

Bugs Fixed:

    • Air Group HQ list shows all HQs with air groups assigned (and intermediate HQs as needed to show a proper hierarchy).

    • Device usage fixed to count all LCU's use of devices (it was missing the count if it wasn't in the TOE)

    • Region creation fixed to deal with gaps and ordering of imported region files

    • LCU supply for convoys fixed to display the full amount

    • Drop down in Industry report tab which shows turn numbers updates after turns are read in

    • Sorting by destination in LCU panel had issues if an LCU was in Hyderabad, since the base name has a parenthesis in the name

Known Issues:

    • Still more stuff to add

Release 1.1

Note: database files (trackerdb files) for earlier releases are not compatible with this new release. To use this release, you need to delete the old trackerdb files and start over.

New Features:

    • Minefield panel shows count of ACM

    • Export to CSV for Task Forces

    • Display of pilot training pool

    • Additional items related to ship classes added and displayed in Ship Class panel

    • Filters added to Ship Class panel

    • Ship Class upgrade delay, damage and yard size shown in Ship Upgrade panel

    • Task force detection levels shown in Task Force panel and alerts added related

    • Leader panel filter for unassigned/active added

Bugs Fixed:

    • Sorting and filtering in Ship panel fixed

    • "Custom" TOE's show up strange in formation after reading in a new turn

    • LCU and Formation device usage when the TOE repeats devices (this was a tricky one)

    • Aircraft for multiple nations in Aircraft Comparison, Air Group and Air Production panels (first two show the nation in <braces> in the filter choices)

    • LCU replacement flag was not properly read

    • Ordering of turns when using the multi-turn read function

    • Minefield delta was off

    • Sunk ships that had a "base near" that was not valid

    • LCU objects with a device ID greater than 1300 now read in

    • LCU arrival base fixed

    • Air loss filter by side in Victory Points panel

    • Sorting by date in Sunk Ships in VP panel and Ship Class panel

    • Victory points for ships (approximate, but very close, algorithm used)

Known Issues:

    • Database files from previous releases need to be deleted and re-started from scratch

Release 1.0.1

New Features:

    • New class filter options for AP and AK in the Ships panel.

    • Base-to-Region mapping from Nomad (in region-mappings folder).

Bugs Fixed:

    • LCU panel and LCU Production panel issues with an invalid device

    • Pilots with more than 127 missions are set to 127 missions (a more complete fix is needed)

    • Aircraft issues with an invalid device

    • Naval summary class info should now include all ship classes

    • LCUs with multiple of the same device had issues in the device usage window

    • Fuel spoilage formula was wrong

    • PBEM and vs. AI settings issue

Known Issues:

    • Issues around getting this to work with 64-bit Windows in PBEM mode

Release 1.0


    • Basic support for WitP AE. This means we got it to work for the most part for all areas. There are still a lot of things that need to be added.

Known Issues:

    • We have a lot of things to add.

    • It's been tested, but we make no assurances.

Note: this version is only compatible with War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition Release 1.00.84 or later. If you have an earlier version of the game, time to update it.