10 Ajaxレシピ



□翻訳完了(Omi Chiba)




web2pyは主にサーバーサイドの開発向けですが、welcome雛形アプリケーションはjQueryの基本ライブラリ、jQuery calendars(date picker、 datetime picker と clock)、"superfish.js"のメニュー、jQueryで利用可能な追加のJavaScriptを利用することができます。

While web2py is mainly for server-side development, the welcome scaffolding app comes with the base jQuery library32, jQuery calendars (date picker, datetime picker and clock), the "superfish.js" menu, and some additional JavaScript functions based on jQuery.


Nothing in web2py prevents you from using other Ajax libraries such as Prototype, ExtJS, or YUI, but we decided to package jQuery because we find it to be easier to use and more powerful than other equivalent libraries. We also find that it captures the web2py spirit of being functional and concise.