Mindful Meditation

Day: Mondays

Frequency: Weekly

Start time: 10;15 to 11:45

Venue : Worle Community Centre, Lawrence Road, Worle, Weston super Mare, BS22 6TU

Group Leader: groups.wsm.u3a@gmail.com


An Invitation

The Sessions will deal with meditation practice, how to ground yourself, posture and what is the best clothing to wear for meaningful practice.

For the first weeks we will deal with “the mindfulness of breathing”, a practice dating back over two and a half thousand years. Later we will investigate the practice of “loving kindness”.

Some Benefits of meditation:-

it provides a calmer mind;

it provides an increased ability to deal with stress;

it gives a greater awareness of your surrounding world;

it gives a greater ability to concentrate; and

it provides improved emotional health.

Tea & Coffee will be supplied and there will be no charge for these sessions. Anyone interested is welcome to phone me for further information, or just drop in on Friday mornings