Wild Almond

Sterculia foetida

Bengali: Baksho Badam Hindi: Jangli Badam

A tall tree with straight branchless trunk up a distance with overall structure and leaf shape somewhat like silk cotton tree.

Leaf: 5-9 dark green leaflets radiating like fingers. The main leaf stalk is very long

Flower: Small, red and yellow, in clusters at the end of virtually leafless stalk, with a dung-like foul smell

Fruit: Boat shaped, in clusters. Initially green turning scarlet and finally brown, when the fruit splits open showing the 10-15 up to an-inch-long black seeds.

Season: Leaves fall at the end of cold season (early Feb). Flowers in great profusion in late Feb to early March along with the new leaves. Fruits form by May they mature by next year Feb or Mar dangling even when next year’s flowers and leaves start appearing.

Range/habitat: In India, monsoon forests of west and south India. Its global range is from tropical east Africa to Northern Australia, covering much of tropical Asia.

Trivia and notes: Among the most common trees in urban areas, including Kolkata. Looks beautiful in summer and even the ground below becomes carpeted by yellow flowers. In lake they have naturalized

Where to Find: There are many specimens in Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata. Handsome tall specimens near the Dhakuria gate (gate no 1) (behind and around the public toilet)

A wild almond tree in new leaves in Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata