Trees with Jamun-like leaves

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Jarul / Pride of India/ Queen’s Crape Myrtle

A fairly common mid-sized deciduous tree with oppositely (or almost so) arranged oval leaves, glossy/smooth in both sides. In April-May looks beautiful in mauve/pink/lilac flowers in erect clusters. more...

Neolamarckia cadamba


Large deciduous tree with a straight trunk, leaves large, oppositely arranged on moderate sized stalks. Flowers in rain, yellowish, in ping pong ball sized head with many short white protruding stamens.

PC: Dr. Raju Kasambe

Mimusops elengi

Indian medlar / (asian) bulletwood

A familiar handsome mid-sized evergreen tree with a straight trunk, glossy elliptic leaves with wavy margins. Branches start from 8 – 10 feet and form a dome shaped canopy. more...

Syzygium cumini

Jamun/Java Plum

A very familiar large evergreen tree with elliptical leathery leaves with a pointed tip. Conspicuous during early rainy season when purplish black ripe fruits fall and make the ground purple. more

Syzygium samarangense

Wax apple

A mid-sized evergreen tree from coastal topics of Asia, with many branches and short trunk and large oval-shaped oppositely arranged smooth leaves with an almost nonexistent stalk. A not so familiar tree (though the fruits are). more...

Michelia champaca

Golden Champak

A tall slender evergreen tree with leaf shape somewhat like mango (lighter in color) that bears beautiful flowers with exquisite fragrance from April till rains. In its natural evergreen hilly home this grows over 100 feet but not more that 40 feet in Kolkata. more...

Artocarpus lakoocha

Monkey jack / Lakooch

A mid-sized deciduous tree with large leathery dark green leaves, an untidy canopy. In late Feb, the tree is studded with yellow flowers (which looks like fruit). more...

Ficus racemose syn Ficus glomerata

Goolar/Cluster Fig

A mid-sized nearly evergreen indigenous tree that does not produce any aerial root. Unmistakable when the figs in large clusters are present. Though considered as a sacred tree in Hindu mythology, it is hardly ever planted but occasional found self-grown. more...

Pterygota alata

Buddha Coconut tree

A towering giant of the rainforest of NE India & western ghats with a straight tall trunk, often heavily buttressed near root, short branches with large heart shaped leaves. Though it does not grow that tall in Kolkata as in its natural habitat, still among the tallest tress of Kolkata.


Alstonia macrophylla

Batino Tree

A tall slender evergreen tree with large elongated glossy leaves which usually forms a whole of three leaves, long thin tube-like fruits hang in large numbers from the. ends of the branches (in Winter)


Acacia auriculiformis

Earpod Wattle

An evergreen thornless acacia from New Guinea & Northern Australia which does not have the characteristic twice feathered leaves. Instead, it has sickle-shaped modified phyllodes
