Siora / Sandpaper Tree

Streblus asper

Hindi/Beng: Siora/Seora

A stiff, densely branched small native tree with small dark green very rough leaves that are slightly saw-toothed.

Bark: Pale grey becomes rough with age

Leaf: 2-4’’ long very rough on both sides, margins are slightly saw-toothed

Flower: Not conspicuous, yellowish white, male and female flowers on separate trees

Fruit: Yellow pea-sized succulent berry

Season: flowers appear in February and March, and the new leaves are mostly produced at the same time. Fruits ripe by April.

Range/habitat: Found in most party of India, including dryer regions. Tend to grow from termite nests (as they drag them into their nests) . Also found in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand

Trivia and notes: Seora tree often grows from root of another tree. The tree in picture is an example where it grew from the root zone of a Gulmohur / Krishnachura tree.

Where to Find: In the north west section of Rabindra Sarovar near the lake close to a gulmohur tree (C4 cricket ground is on the other side of the main road here) 22.51174, 88.35718