Looking Ahead to the 2019 TRB Annual Meeting

Post date: Nov 19, 2018 5:53:57 PM

Dear Members and Friends of the TRB Vehicle-Highway Automation Committee:

With the TRB Annual Meeting coming up in less than two months, I thought it would be a good time to give you a preview of what to expect so that you can make your travel arrangements (if you have not already done so). Please note that the early registration rates expire on November 30, so it will be significantly more expensive to register after that (and the available hotel rooms will be more limited too).

Our committee had 68 papers submitted for presentation at this Annual Meeting, and 34 of those have been selected through the peer review process for presentation at poster sessions on Monday evening of TRB week. Through the re-review process, the best 7 papers will be selected for publication in Transportation Research Record. Thank you to Guoyuan Wu and Yeganeh Hayeri, who have worked with me as the paper review co-chairs, helping to manage the paper review process and to get the review decisions accomplished on the tight TRB schedule.

We also have a wide variety of lectern sessions this year, with presentations about the latest developments in a wide range of topics related to our topic of vehicle-highway automation. I have attached the summary listing of all our committee events from the Annual Meeting website. These begin on Sunday morning with the workshop session reviewing the highlights of last summer’s AVS18, which is the great opportunity for those who were unable to attend that event to catch up with the top presentations from the plenary sessions (which the speakers are updating for the Annual Meeting). On Monday afternoon, we will have presentations about several of the leading international programs on vehicle-highway automation sponsored by Japan, Germany, Sweden, the UK and the European Commission.

Tuesday morning, we have sessions about different approaches to defining regulations for automated driving systems and about recent major developments in truck platooning, both with significant international representation. Tuesday afternoon will be the AHB30 committee meeting, with presentations about the most recent developments from both domestic and international projects (details to follow next month). On Wednesday morning we will have sessions covering the work of the recently formed TRB Forum on Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility and the latest developments on applications of low-speed automated shuttle vehicles. Finally, Thursday morning will be the annual meeting of our subcommittee on Challenges and Opportunities of Road Vehicle Automation (CORVA), which marks the start of planning for the breakout sessions for next summer’s Automated Vehicles Symposium, AVS19. Be sure to bring your ideas for breakout topics and be prepared to sign up to help organize one or more of the breakout sessions.

For those experienced TRB Annual Meeting participants who would like to mentor a younger member attending his or her first TRB meeting, the TRB Operations and Preservation Group’s Young Member Council has established a mentoring program. See the attached description and let me know if you are interested in being a mentor so that I can connect you to the program organizers.

Finally, see the attached notice about research positions available at the University of California Riverside.

Looking forward to seeing you at the TRB Annual Meeting.

Best regards,

Steve Shladover

Chair, Vehicle-Highway Automation Committee (AHB30)