89th TRB Annual Meeting - January 2010

Happy New Year, members & friends of the VHA Committee,

As you are preparing for your trip to Washington, DC for the 89th TRB Annual Meeting, we are glad to share some information that will be helpful in planning your participation at the various ITS Committee events during the Annual Meeting. The following sessions are sponsored/co-sponsored by the TRB Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation (AHB30). Click on the "Hyperlinked Function Title" for session(s) of your interest to learn more (such as Description, Event Speakers, etc).

AHB30 Meetings - 2010 TRB Annual Meeting

The Chairman of our committee, Dr. Tom Gordon, has also provided the agenda for the Committee (see attached MSWord document) , which will be held on Monday 1/11/2010 10:15am-12:00pm Marriott, Wilson A. This should be a very interesting way of kick-off your TRB week of events.

Also, our friends at ITS America have put together a great compilation of sessions that are of interest to ITS community during this TRB Annual Meeting and have granted permission for sharing with our ITS Committee audience. I found this resource extremely useful and I am positive you will agree with me on that after checking out this compilation.

ITSSessionsatTRB10 - Revised

Please feel free to download this Excel Spreadsheet attached at the bottom of this page and navigate your way through the extensive listing of Sessions, Workshops, Meetings, Poster Sessions, etc. On behalf of our committee chair and the members of AHB30, I'd like to extend our sincere thanks to ITS America for this great resource. Should you have difficulties downloading the file, you can access the document online at this URL: http://www.itsa.org/itsa/files/ITSSessionsatTRB10.xls

If you have trouble accessing any of the attachments below, I recommend accessing them directly from this location:


For those of you who like to explore sessions on specific topics, the Interactive Program (containing detailed information on workshops, lectern sessions, meet-the-author poster sessions, and committee meetings) is now available online. You can use the Interactive Program to conduct searches by session title, paper title, keywords, author, and subject area to plan your personalized itinerary. Meeting registration enables enhanced features of the Interactive Program, including access to meeting room names. For more information, please visit here.

As always, please let me know if you have any comments or issues associated with the information links provided above. Looking forward to seeing you all at the TRB.