About the TIEC

The Tokachi International Education Circle is a group of fairly like minded individuals who work at public and private institutions teaching English and Cross-cultural understanding to people of all ages in the sub-prefecture of Tokachi in Japan.

We plan professional seminars, workshops and social events for members, friends and family throughout the year to develop our skills and to exchange ideas on living and working here in Tokachi.


The first meeting was held in an old school in Bisei. Around January 1992. There were about nine members present. The title, Tokachi International Education Circle was adopted and Memuro AET Cathy Spanagle (AUS) elected as its first President.

In 2004 a Yahoo Group for the TIEC was formed to facilitate further debate and exchange beyond the regularly scheduled meetings. The Yahoo Group was known as "the listserv" and was used primarily as a email list server. As email began to be replaced by social networks, a new group was formed on Facebook where the group's current online activities are held.


Currently there are about 30 active members. Members put 3500 yen each into the group funds and agree to be bound by the TIEC Regulations. Members and those interested are encouraged to request membership to the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/tiec2004/.

Updated: 12/14/2021