TAMOP PI in Europe

Work in progress! Ask the co-chair who curates the web page (LA) to update your data or to add you to the list

Connor Ballance

Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP)

Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom

CContact: C.Ballance@qub.ac.uk | +44 (28) 9097 1934 | Webpage

Research Interests: Dr Connor Ballance's research interests involve the fundamental exploration of atomic and molecular structure, associated collisional and laser-driven processes and their interpretation to plasma observation. This includes both astrophysical and magnetically-confined fusion plasmas. We maintain strong links to fusion experiments both in the US and Europe. My group at Queen's involves first principle investigations of atomic and molecular structure, subsequent atomic collisional calculations such as electron-impact excitation, ionisation and recombination and also photoionisation.

Andrew Brown

Research Software Engineer, School of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP)

Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom

Contact: andrew.brown@qub.ac.uk | +44 (0)28 9097 1910 | Webpage

Research Interests: my research focuses on extracting experimental observables from the detailed ab-initio calculations performed with RMT (R-Matrix with Time), a method pioneered at QUB, which allows us to address the interaction of all the electrons in an atomic system.. To this end I have investigated several cutting-edge experimental schemes using the RMT approach, including attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, strong-field rescattering, XUV initiated high harmonic generation and photoelectron spectroscopy. Recently my work has been addressed at developing the software tools used for this research.

Andrew Daley

Professor, Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, 107 Rottenrow East, Glasgow G40NG, Scotland, UK

Contact: andrew.daley AT strath.ac.uk | Webpage

Research interests: We perform theoretical research in the fields of quantum optics and quantum many-body physics, and are especially interested in time-dependent coherent and dissipative dynamics of ultracold quantum gases, along with the implementation and applications of quantum simulation and quantum computing.

Jimena D. Gorfinkiel

Senior Lecturer, Head of the Physics Research Discipline, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England, UK

Contact: jimena.gorfinkiel AT open.ac.uk | Webpage

Research Interests: Developing software to model molecular processes initiated by electrons, positrons and photons involving the electronic continuum using mainly R-matrix based approaches. Together with colleagues in the UK and abroad I develop high-quality, developer- and user-friendly, Atomic and Molecular high performance computing codes, in particular the UKRmol+ suite.

Gleb Gribhakin

Reader, School of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Queen's University, Belfast (UK)

Contact: g.gribakin@qub.ac.uk | +44 (0)28 9097 1936 | Webpage

Research Interests: My research interests span several areas of theoretical atomic physics: Many-body theory in atoms; Electron-atom scattering, negative ions, photodetachment; Interaction of positrons with atoms and molecules: scattering, bound states and annihilation; Quantum chaos in complex atoms and other many-body systems; Multiphoton processes in strong laser fields; Cold atom scattering.

Elena Kuznetsova

Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics, 46 Ulyanov Street, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Contact: lena.kuznetsova AT gmail.com

Research interests: quantum information processing with polar molecules and Rydberg atoms, quantum memories based on ensembles of rare-earth ions doped into optical crystals, nanophotonics and integrated optical circuits including cavity QED with nano-scale photonic crystals.

Zdenek MasĂ­n

Assistant Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Contact: zdenek.masin AT utf.mff.cuni.cz | Webpage

Research Interests: We perform accurate ab initio calculations of electrons and photons interacting with molecules. This allows us to provide insight into physics behind processes such as radiation damage to DNA, dissociative electron attachment or photoionization of molecules with various laser fields. Our main tool is the multi-electron R-matrix method in its stationary and time-dependent form.

Jonathan Tennyson

Chief Scientist, at Quantemol Ltd and Massey Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London WC1E 6BT, UK

Contact: j.tennyson AT ucl.ac.uk | +44-20-7679-7809 | Webpage

Research Interests: Electron (positron) collisions. Theoretical molecular spectroscopy. Astronomical and Atmospheric spectroscopy. Data for plasma physics and models of technological plasmas.

Hugo van der Hart

Professor, School of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Queen's University, Belfast

Contact: h.vanderhart@qub.ac.uk | +44 (0)28 9097 1904 | Webpage

Research Interests: Response of atoms to intense laser light, and the application of B-spline basis sets in atomic physics. R-matrix-Floquet approach for atoms in long laser pulses, including the study of double ionization following two-photon absorption. Development of time-dependent methods within R-matrix theory, to describe how the interaction between electrons affects the overall atomic dynamics, including the dynamics in an intense laser field. The accurate determination of atomic properties in intense fields requires large-scale atomic codes. Hence, great emphasis is placed on the efficient exploitation of high-performance computing facilities, using both MPI and OpenMP.