Climate Change Science

There are basically two theories of Climate Change (not counting denials that there is climate change). The major theory is scientific, and the other theory supports corporate freedom to pollute.

The major theory of Climate Change is the scientific consensus, which believes -

"Humans are responsible for increasing overall global temperature, due to our increase of CO2 and methane levels. This increase in temperature average is melting the polar ice-caps and causing sea level rise and flooding. Our climate is also being destabilized, causing erratic warming and cooling extremes and increasing natural disaster strength and frequency."

Links which verify the thesis statement - [see Subpage 'Climate Change Thesis Statements']

Assumptions - Even most critics agree that climate change happens and overall temperature averages are increasing. There are some that experience freak cold-spell events that may be due to climate change (like an early blizzard), and use it as an example to debunks the main theory; however those people are usually corporate politicians or their ignorant lackeys.

Hypothesis - "Are humans mostly responsible for Climate Change?"

Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect are major aspects of Climate Change.


Anti-Thesis Minor Climate Change Theory:

Climate Change is happening, but humans are not to blame.

Minor Theory Links - [see Subpage 'Minor Theory Links']

Inconsistencies: CO2 increases are substantial for plants / CO2 increases are too minor to affect anything.

The real problem of corporate corruption can cause 'green-washing'.

The conspiracy theory that Michael Crichton wrote about could be considered a basis for the major anti-thesis or minor theory. To respond to his conspiracy theory and others SCOD will collect a list of scientific studies and scientists that are basically being called liars. It should be easy to gather a list of website that have climate science data from once or twice removed studies, since the majority of scientists are assumed to be in support of the main 'Climate Change Theory'. To show support for the main theory, SCOD will create a webpage of resource links, like a flow chart (if possible for non-scientists) to allow for the public to investigate the sources of data and come to their own conclusions. Other minor theory authors and publishers include: Larry Bell, John Truman, Anti-Corruption Group (online), Natural News Company, and of course Alex Jones (idiot).

Larry Bell, author of the new book 'Climate of Corruption,' contends that the deliberate distortion of climate data perpetuates inaccurate information about perfectly natural climate changes. He also argues that ethanol is 'terribly destructive.'

John Truman Wolfe’s e-book, The Anatomy of a Con Job - "According to the Wall Street Journal, “Nearly everyone agrees that there are more polar bears now than when scientists first started counting: Estimates put the population between 20,000 and 25,000, up from several thousand 50 years ago. In Canada, where two-thirds of the world’s bears live, most populations have grown during the past two or three decades. Arctic residents say they are now bumping into bears wherever they turn.” The polar bear “debate” cuts to the heart of the foundation on which the environmental movement rests: global warming. While the Club of Rome’s clarion call for “sustainable development” in The Limits to Growth turned out to be more than a little thin on scientific credibility, and the theory that oil is a scarce and rapidly depleting fossil fuel is untrue, the holy grail of the environmental movement is Global Warming or, as they have renamed it due to the last eleven years of embarrassingly cooler temperatures, Climate Change.

Natural News company - "Over the last 30 years, there has been a gradual increase in the CO2 level. But what is also observed is that despite deforestation, the planet’s vegetation has grown by about 20%. This expansion of vegetation on the planet, nature lovers largely owe it to the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. If we study, however, what has been happening at the geological level for several million years, we realize that the present period is characterized by an extraordinarily low CO2 level. During the Jurassic, Triassic, and so on, the CO2 level rose to values sometimes of the order of 7000, 8000, 9000 ppm, which considerably exceeds the paltry 400 ppm that we have today. Not only did life exist, in those far-off times when CO2 was so present in large concentration in the atmosphere, but plants such as ferns commonly attained heights of 25 meters. Reciprocally, far from benefiting the current vegetation, the reduction of the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere would be likely to compromise the health, and even the survival, of numerous plants. To fall below the threshold of 280 or 240 ppm would plainly lead to the extinction of a large variety of our vegetal species. About the supposed link between global warming and CO2 emissions, it is simply not true that CO2 has a major greenhouse effect. It is worth remembering, here too, that CO2 is a minor gas. Today it represents only 0.04% of the composition of the air; and its greenhouse effect is attributed the value of 1. The major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapor which is ten times more potent than CO2 in its greenhouse effect. Water vapor is present in a proportion of 2% in the atmosphere."


There is a Global surface-temperature (land and ocean) increase 1 degree hotter in the recent 40 years, relative to the 1951–1980 average [14.19 °C or 57.54 °F] and it is projected to rise another few degrees in a few years (chart by NASA).

In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, "It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century." The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These findings have been recognized by the national science academies of the major industrialized nations and are not disputed by any scientific body of national or international standing. Rachel Pike gives a good Ted Talk on the basics of the climate change, that scientific community members like her study. Alice Bows-Larkin explains that 4 degree annual average temperature changes means up to 12 degrees warmer on hot days.

EESI - Environmental and Energy Study Institute

NOAA - Climate dot gov

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

The global average atmospheric carbon dioxide in 2017 was 405.0 parts per million (ppm for short), with a range of uncertainty of plus or minus 0.1 ppm. Carbon dioxide levels today are higher than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years.In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today.

Carbon dioxide concentrations are rising mostly because of the fossil fuels that people are burning for energy. Fossil fuels like coal and oil contain carbon that plants pulled out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis over the span of many millions of years; we are returning that carbon to the atmosphere in just a few hundred years.



Artificial causes of climate change are human industrialization and population growth, in addition to natural volcanoes, forest fires, and decay of organic matter.

Article on CO2 increasing vine growth -




For all Climate Science Data links, see the Subpages listed below and the SCOD Blog article 'Global Climate Change'.