Tet Vi'Lar

This is a biography and short story of the life of Tet Vi'Lar, of Storm

Keep.  Vi'Lar is one of the oldest actively serving members of Shadow.  He

is a man of legend, revered and respected throughout the realm.  

Tet was born in a small chapel to the north of the city proper of

Verminasia.  His mother died during his birth, and the where-abouts of his

father are unknown.  Tet was taken in by the Dark acolytes of the chapel

after his birth, and there he was raised on the word of Necrucifer.  

His youth consisted of working within the chapel, serving and helping the

acolytes.  In return he was taught the ways of the dark patheon, and of God.

When Tet was of age, he left the chapel and made his way in to the world. 

He soon found a group of soldiers devoted to the dark gods.  He joined with

them as a founding member of what would become Eclipse.  Standing at an

imposing six and a half feet tall, Tet was an intimidating force on the

field of battle.  

During his early career, Tet befriends two other Humans, Shay Kayen and

Ishmael Rinji.  The three soon became good friends.  Years passed and Tet

continued to rise through the ranks of Eclipse.  He spent much of his time

fighting the false knights of Gareth's and the Dwarves, led by Thane Zingin.

Recruits of all races poured in to the order, and soon turmoil and strife

began to infiltrate the keep of Eclipse.  The members began to fight amongst

themseleves and one day the Yinn and Ogres took control.  Many were exiled

and renegaded, including Kayen and Rinji.  

Tet was asked to stay within Eclipse by Shay, under the guise of helping the

new leaders to help rebuild the order.  In truth, a rebellion was being

planned, and Kayen needed Tet to feed the rebels information.  When Shay and

the others assaulted the keep of Eclipse, it was Tet whom opened the gates

to allow them entrance.  The rebels took control after much blood had been

spilled, and in the end all but Humans and Elves were enslaved.  

Kayen left Eclipse, taking his view of purism to start the Shadow Knights of

Necrucifer.  He left Tet in command of Eclipse.  Tet led the Eclipse for

some time, until the great Cataclysm.  With the keep of Eclipse now in ruin,

Tet was approached by his old friend, and was asked to join him within Storm

accepted the offer, making his way to the desert to re-join his lifelong


Tet served within Storm keep as a Petitioner, and worked his way through the

ranks, eventually being knighted.  He served diligently for years and was

then granted the title of Elder for his continued years of service.  To this

day, he can at times be seen walking the dark halls of Storm Keep.  Quiet

and reserved, he still lends a hand to those whom require his aid.  

Even with his life-long friends gone from the keep, he still stands as a

reminder of where the origins of our Order are rooted, and a symbol of a

life devoted to service to God.  

- Jermichael McCord