Abram MacNeil

As a teenager, Abram McNeil came to Storm Keep with his brother, Coyk,

from the Highlands of Nordmaar.  Here, he grew from an undisciplined boy

into a soldier and a decorated hero in his own right, which those of the

Keep should aspire to model themselves after. 

First earning the rank of Dark Knight, and then being welcomed into the

Sanctum of the Shadow Knight under Dark Lord Crelius Attenim, Abram McNeil

went on to hold the position of Lord Templar, Warder of The Legion, and has

been Field Marshall on two separate ocassions.  He has fought and won in the

tournament of the Obsidian Cross twice and, in addition, has been honored by

Dark Lord Reklah Kayen with the Mavelle medal. 

A loyal and reliable servant of Necrucifer, Abram McNeil's proven skills

upon the field of battle and his profound history within Storm Keep make him

an exceptional soldier and a lead-by-example role-model for those in His

military service.

[compiled by Esquire Elaynah Montero]