Stapleford, Cambridge planning applications

Major housing developments for more than 1,000 new homes have been proposed for Stapleford.

Proposals include up to 987 new homes centred around a new station for the new tramway on land east of Haverill Road.

There are also proposals to build new homes on the allotments

The proposals for Stapleford include:

Land to the east of Haverhill Road, Stapleford 987 homes

Land at Hinton Road, Stapleford – up to 500 homes.

Land to the north east of Gog Magog Way Stapleford - 200 homes

Land south of Hinton Way, Stapleford - Up to 100 homes or a retirement village

Land east of Haverhill Road, Stapleford – up to 58 homes.

Wedd Joinery, Granta Terrace, Stapleford - 25 homes

The suggested developments are a long way from reality. The proposals have been made as part of a ‘First Conversation’ consultation to create a new Local Plan for the area by 2023.

Developers and landowners have put forward their initial proposals for homes across sites in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire.

The first wave of the consultation took place in January and February. The next public consultation stage is planned for Autumn 2021.

These proposals are not planning applications. Councils stress that none of the suggested sites have any real planning status at this stage and far more land for development has been suggested than will be required to meet the area’s housing needs.

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan will set out where development in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire is allowed to happen, and what it should include – such as homes, business space, community facilities, shops, leisure facilities and green spaces. It will guide how development should help address current and future environmental, social and economic issues.

You can read the responses and a summary report on the Greater Cambridge Planning Service website: (The site can be challenging to navigate - you may find it easier to click on the links within the story to read about specific proposed schemes.)

A map of all the proposals can be seen here.

You can have your say about the proposals by contacting South Cambridgeshire District Councillors Peter Fane or Nick Semple or Stapleford Parish Council.

Read the coverage in the Cambridge Independent.

Posted September 18 2020.

District Councillors for South Cambridgeshire District Council

Peter Fane

Tel.01223 843861

Mob. 07802 256861

Nick Sample

044 7706 990833

The Parish Council's Green Belt policy can be read here.On 27 September 2018, the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Policies Map was agreed for publication.

There is more pressure for more new homes in Stapleford and Great Shelford.

Developers have highlighted a number of areas in the two villages that could take more houses in the future.

The document highlights the following areas for more potential development:

a. Land east of Hinton Way, north of Mingle Lane

b. Scotsdale Garden Centre

c. Land at Marfleet Close

d. Land at Grange Field, Church Street

e. Land at Hinton Way

f. Land at Granhams Farm

g. Land South of Shelford Caravan and Camping Club

h. Dernford Farm - leisure/tourism

i. Land off Cambridge Road

Developers have suggested that the plans for the area, known as the Local Plan, could be “unsound” unless they are changed to include at least some of this list.

The revised proposals will be considered by a Planning Inspector at the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan specific hearing sessions from June 6.

"Stapleford Parish Council are monitoring the situation and will respond to the requests for feedback as appropriate. In summary, we are not averse to development in principle; however it has to be appropriate, reasonable and proportionate, also taking into account infrastructure issues," said a statement from the Parish Council.

"Some of the potential developments in this Stapleford/Shelford omissions list would tend to change the very nature and landscape of the villages that we live in and, in effect, make us enlarged urban sprawl. We know that on the whole our parishioners object to this and do not support such large scale development in these villages.

"Villagers are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings to discuss and/or make representations to/attend the public hearings scheduled for June 2017. More detail will be published on our website as it becomes available.


Read the document: Matters and Issues for South Cambridgeshire Local Plan specific hearing sessions