Mingle Lane development in Stapleford, Cambridge

Major new housing development proposed for Stapleford, Cambridge and Great Shelford

A major housing development in Stapleford, Cambridge and Great Shelford is being offered online by an Essex developer.

The 29 acre site with 180 homes would include a care village alongside “low-density residential development”.

The development is on Green Belt on land behind Mingle Lane and Hinton Way. Most of the new homes would be in Stapleford, Cambridge. The development is being marketed by Essex company Scott Properties.

Their website states: “The site extends to 29 acres and is located to the South of Cambridge, with excellent connectivity into the city by road and rail. We are proposing a low-density residential development alongside a care village to address local demand, as well as new green infrastructure and amenity spaces.”

The proposal does not currently have planning permission.

Scott Properties told Great Shelford Online: “The 29-acre site off Mingle Lane is currently being promoted through the appropriate stages of the Local Plan. The proposals for the site consist of a substantial area of open space and landscaping, a care village and a low-density bungalow development to address local and district demand.”

Scott Properties describes itself as “a Strategic Land Promoter to Landowners and Local Authorities in East Anglia.”

You can read the full details of the proposal on their website here.

Posted June 26 2017

There are more details behind the proposals in Scott Properties 22 page report, "Land at Mingle Lane, Great Shelford" which can be read at the bottom of this page.These are the headlines from the report:

12 hectare development behind Mingle Lane and Hinton Way

"Providing a varied mix of well designed, high quality dwellings including starter and family sized homes to meet a range of local needs. Affordable homes and a number of bungalows are also proposed."

"There may also be opportunity for provision of retirement housing."

"The Site is served by a single vehicular access and a separate pedestrian access from Mingle Lane. Two further pedestrian access points are proposed from Hinton Way."

"Beyond this to the east, adjacent to the existing cemetery, a large area of habitat planting to function as a Wildlife Reservoir or recreation area."

"Broad Green corridors running through the interior of the site."

"A more formal public open space functioning as a green heart."

"Some 50% of the 12 hectare site is given over to open space and landscape, leaving approximately 6 hectares to form residential development parcels.

"Density for general needs housing would be unlikely to exceed 30 dwellings per hectare, which could deliver approximately 180 homes across the site. The site may lend itself to other forms such as key-worker housing that would potentially relate to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, or affordable housing tied into a Trust related to the Parish. The provision of housing to suit older or retired people will also be investigated, along with the provision of bungalows."

"Incorporate an area of open space (with the potential to include playing fields) in the north-eastern part of the Site, north of the cemetery."

Posted June 27 2017

Maps from the report Land at Mingle Lane, Great Shelford.

The outline of the development site, with Hinton Way in the North west of the site and Mingle Lane in the south of the site

The outline of the development site, with Hinton Way in the North west of the site and Mingle Lane in the south of the site - the key for the diagram can be seen in the full report.

A map showing the main entrance on Mingle Lane with the solid red arrow.

The red line shows the outline of the development site, with Hinton Way in the North west of the site and Mingle Lane in the south of the site

The cover of the developers' report - it can be seen in full at the bottom of the page