Magog Singers

Magog Singers

Trumpet, organ and double choir rang out together in the final verse of the David Willcocks’ arrangement of Hark the Herald Angels Sing, provided a thrilling finale to our concert in Trinity College Chapel on 11th December. This was all brought together under the direction of Jacquie McBride who provided a varied programme which gave the 250 or so in the audience with a most enjoyable evening. The two choirs, Magog and Orwell Singers, sang apart and together, accompanied at times by the organ, played by Brian Watkins and at times by Miranda Lloyd on trumpet. The programme included works ancient, with pieces by Handel and Purcell, and modern from James Macmillan and Alan Hovhaness, and carols, well known, arranged by Rutter, Willcocks and Stopford and a beautiful Huron carol. It was an occasion we were proud to be part of and will not forget.

We were delighted to hand over a cheque for £136.20 to Arthur Rank Hospice, the chosen charity for donations at our end of term gathering to which Friends and Family were invited. A full house at the Pavilion enjoyed hearing the pieces we had been practising over the term.

Our music making starts again on Tuesday 10th January at 2pm in the Jubilee Pavilion, Stapleford. Do come and join us; for more information contact

Kathleen ( or Helen (