A1307 local liaison forum

A1307 Local Liaison Forum

Stapleford PC is a member of this forum and the Chairman attends. Since the last workshop, the chair of the A1307 LLF, Councillor Tony Orgee, has been approached by a number of organisations who would like to be co-opted onto the LLF at the next formal LLF meeting in July. Under these circumstances the Chair is very happy for these organisations to take part in the forthcoming workshops. The organisations wishing to be co-opted onto the LLF are:

Babraham Road Residents’ Association

Cambridge Past, Present & Future

Cambridge University Hospitals (on behalf of the Biomedical Campus)

Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations

Save the Green Belt

The Magog Trust

The main focus of all three workshops will be the prioritisation of the ideas raised at the inception workshop in April, where over 200 comments were made.

City Deal Objectives:

1 Securing future economic growth and quality of life in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, and facilitating movement between major employment and residential areas.

2 Enhancing transport infrastructure that makes it easier for people to travel between places of work, home or study using sustainable modes of transport.

3 Making it easier to travel in, out and around Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire by public transport, cycle or on foot, and reduce and maintain lower traffic levels to ease congestion.

Each workshop will look at a specific section of the route and evaluate the options (including existing options) to assist in developing the project further for public consultation in the Autumn.

The dates and times of the workshops are:

The top ranked options from all three workshops will be discussed with the City Deal Executive Board on 12 July, and the draft final list will be brought to the next LLF meeting on 18 July for agreement.