Get Involved


You don't have to be an allotment plot holder to be a member of the society.  We welcome home gardeners as members.  For £1.50 a year you can join us, this entitles you to purchase items in our allotment shops at (our seeds start at £1)! And for you and your family to enter our Annual Show.  Pop into one of our site shops on a Sunday morning to join.  Any questions email us


How much work is required?

Allotments do take commitment and time but we have found that a 5 rod plot isn't too challenging or too strenuous. People are pleasantly surprised at how much produce can be raised from a plot of that size. There's plenty for family and sometimes friends as well. For the more adventurous a 10 rod plot could be for you, although not recommended for beginners.


Are there plots available?

Currently, there are no plots available at either our Richmond Street/Nursery Close Site or at our Medway Road Site. Why not pop into the shop (on your preferred site) which are open every Sunday morning (09.00-12.00) and add your name to our waiting list? Whilst you are there join the Society and benefit from the advantageous rates we offer to home gardening members on our shop products.


How much will an allotment cost? 

We think our rents offer great value for money. The annual fees at present are as follows:-

 A 10 rod allotment costs £46.50 per year

Comprising of:

£25 for the ground rent

£20 for water*

£1.50 Society Membership Subscription


A 5 rod allotment costs £24.00 per year

Comprising of:

£12.50 for the ground rent

£10 for water*

£1.50 Society Membership Subscription

There are a few smaller plots and rents are calculated accordingly.


*Stand pipes are available around the sites but our water usage is metered and currently it is our largest expense. We actively encourage the use of water butts and sensible watering.



Who do I contact to find out more about renting an allotment?

 If you are interested in renting a plot telephone our Secretary or visit us on Sunday mornings when the shops are open (09.00 - 12.00). Come and have a chat and look round either of our sites, where you'll meet some friendly people to help you with any questions you may have.


We look forward to meeting you. 



So, if you and your family or friends fancy growing your own fruit and vegetables why not rent an allotment with the SHEPPEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.