The Life of Moses

Moses is one of the most significant of the characters whose lives are recorded in the scriptures. Early in his life he “chose to be ill treated with the people of God… because he was looking ahead to his reward”. As a result his name is revered to this day. (Click here to order)

Basket in the Reeds

Moses is hidden in a basket on the banks of the river to hide him from being killed by the Egyptians. He is found by Pharaoh's daughter who adopts him as her own.

Moses leaves Egypt

A grown up Moses flees from Egypt in fear of his life after killing a violent slave driver.


In the desert, Moses supports the family of Zipporah against some aggressive shepherds. Zipporah later becomes his wife.

The Burning Bush

While tending his sheep, Moses sees a bush that is on fire but does not burn up. On investigating he is confronted by God who directs him to return to Egypt to free His people from slavery.

The Plagues

Moses appears before Pharaoh who stubbornly refuses to let the people go as each of the 12 plagues befall the country of Egypt.

The Passover

The Passover is a defining event for the nation of Israel. The symbol of the lamb's blood saving the life of the eldest son points to the blood that Jesus would shed to save everyone from their sin.

Crossing the Red Sea

God helps the escaping people by leading them with a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. When they are on the banks of the Red Sea, the Egyptian chariots charge to attack them. God makes a path through the Red Sea for his people to escape.

Desert Provisions

God miraculously provides food and water for the people in the middle of the desert.

The Golden Calf

While Moses is away, the people return to their old ways by fashioning a golden calf and worshipping it as a god.

The 12 Spies

The spies come back from looking at the promised land. They report that it is flowing with milk and honey. All but two decide that they cannot conquer the land because of the strength of the people living there. God punishes the people for their lack of faith by sending them to wander the desert for 40 years.

The Bronze Snake

The people complain so God allows a plague of snakes to attack them. Moses sets up a bronze snake on a stake. Anyone who looks at the bronze snake is healed of the effects of the snake bites. Jesus uses this incident to instruct about his death (John 3:15).

Water from a Rock

The people complain once again and in frustration and anger Moses strikes a rock to give them water to drink. God is displeased with his action and states that Moses will not lead the people into the promised land.