The Life of Joseph

The story of Joseph is one of amazing heights and crushing lows which throughout display a God which is ultimately in control and working all things for the good of the fledgling nation of Israel. (Click here to order)

The Dreamer

Joseph has dreams that indicate that one day his family will bow down to him which caused his brothers to be antagonistic towards him.

Sold as a Slave

His jealous brothers throw Joseph into a pit intending to kill him but instead sell him to some travelling slave traders.

Potiphar's Wife

In Egypt, Joseph is the prize slave of Potiphar and head of the running of his house. However, things take a turn for the worse when Joseph rejects the advances of Potiphar's wife and ends up being sent to prison.

Interpreting Prisoner's Dreams

In prison, Joseph meets two of Pharaoh's servants who have had some disturbing dreams. With God's help, Joseph is able to interpret their dreams.

Pharaoh's Dream

Pharaoh has a disturbing dream that none of his advisors can explain. His steward remembers Joseph who was able to interpret his dream in prison. Joseph appears before Pharaoh and interprets his dream. Pharaoh is so impressed with Joseph that he makes him second in command of the whole country of Egypt.

In Control Of Egypt

Joseph plans during the years of plenty for the upcoming years of famine. People from far and wide come to Egypt to buy food... including Joseph's brothers.

Taking Benjamin's Place

Joseph tests his brothers to see if they have changed from when they sold him into slavery. He is then reunited with them acknowledging that everything that happened was God's plan. (Genesis 50:19)

Joseph call for Jacob

Reviews the story of Joseph.