People Jesus Met

The writers of the Gospels were selective in their choice of incidents in the life of Jesus that they recorded. “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” Our purpose remains the same. It is our hope and confidence that as we recount these events, those whom we minister to will be drawn to him. (Click here to order)


Uses the story of Zacchaeus to demonstrate that 'SIN' is 'Doing Wrong' and 'Not Doing Right'.

Blind Bartimaeus

Uses the story of Bartimaeus to explain the meaning of Faith as Knowing, Believing & Trusting.

The Paralysed Man

Uses the story of the paralysed man to explain what Authority is and demonstrate that Jesus has the authority to forgive sin.

The Nobleman’s Son

Time is the key to understanding this event (John 4:53). The Nobleman demonstrates absolute faith. This story demonstrates that Jesus does not have to be present to perform miracles.

A Dead Girl & A Sick Woman

This story further reinforces an understanding of Faith and that Jesus has power over death.

The Centurion’s Servant

This last story reviews some of the previous stories and reiterates that we can have faith in Jesus even though we don't see him.