Jesus' Miracles

We are currently working on this set of stories. The Miracles are recorded to display that Jesus had the power of God and Authority over all aspects of this world. When completed this set of stories will showcase Jesus' power over nature, illness, the super natural world and even death. (Click here to order)

Water into Wine

Jesus first miracle.

Miraculous Catch

Calling disciples: fishers of men.

Calming the Storm

Jesus power over nature.

Healing the Demon Possessed Man

Jesus has power over the supernatural world.

Feeding 5000

Jesus is the bread of life - he will satisfy our spiritual hunger.

Walking on Water

Jesus walks on water and the disciples exclaim "Truly, you are the Son of God"

Healing 10 Lepers

Being thankful for the things that Jesus has done for us.

Raising Lazarus

Jesus power over death.

Another Miraculous Catch

Jesus reveals himself after resurrection.