Entre Junio 4 y 29 de 2012 @techchange inicia curso de #USHAHIDI

Fecha de publicación: 28-may-2012 17:31:39

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TechChange estará realizando un curso en línea sobre Ushahidi la próxima semana titulado "Ushahidi: marcos para la gestión de efectivo de la plataforma" a partir del próximo lunes. Estecurso de cuatro semanas se centra en el conocimiento de la construcción no sólo la confianza con la administración de la plataforma, pero varias conversaciones en directo con el personal de base Ushahidi y los profesionales de la comunidad sobre la logística de un despliegue satisfactorio, desde el mapeo de crisis para la participación cívica.

El plan de estudios para el curso está disponible en línea (http://bit.ly/tc201syl) y usted puede presentar su solicitud en: http://techchange.org/application/

Costo: US $395


Presentación del Curso

The Ushahidi platform is one of the best-known ICT4D applications for crowdsourced data collection and processing. This four week, online course provides participants with a well-rounded introduction to the Ushahidi platform, addressing both technical and logistical issues. Guest experts will lead vital discussions and present case studies on topics including:

Addressing Security & Privacy

Case Studies Data Validation Methods

Understanding Crowdsourcing as a Data Methodology

Project and Team Management

In addition, through a series of guided screencasts, we’ll be hands-on with the free and open-source Ushahidi platform itself, including:

Installation and basic configuration

Users & Roles Management

Reports Workflow

Messages Workflow

Installing and enabling plugins

Trusted reporters

Our goal for this course is to look well beyond how to put dots on a map and instead how we create actionable data to affect change, promote engagement, and return value to contributors and local populations. By the end of the course our participants will not only be prepared to become valuable contributors but leaders in this space as well.