Mathematical publications

List of publications (Mathematics) Marcel Monterie

4-5-2001, links added 26-2-2023

A Ph.D. thesis

Studies in Potential Theory, Vrije Universiteit (Free University), Amsterdam, 1995

B Articles in journals

Capacities of certain Cantor sets, Indag. Mathem., N.S. 8 (2) (1997), 247-266

Approximation of the equilibrium distribution by distributions of equal point charges with minimal energy, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), 2329-2348 (with J. Korevaar)

Fekete Potentials and Polynomials for Continua, Journal of Approximation Theory 109 (2001), 110-125 (with J. Korevaar)

C Book reviews

I.H. Dimovski: Convolutional calculus. In: Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap 35 (4) (1992), 202

V. Khatskevich and D. Shoiykhet: Differentiable operators and nonlinear equations. In: Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap 39 (4) (1996), 156-157