

Name: Pearl Riju

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Date of birth: June 6th

Height: 4’2

Weight: 85 lbs


Primary Language: English

Secondary Languages: N/A

Social Standing: Comedian

Hobbies/Interests: Making skits, talking with Diamond and Platinum.


- Jokes

- Comedy routine

- Diamond and Platinum


- The Chairman

- Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

- Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of failure or defeat)

- Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being forgotten or ignored)


Pearl was a young kid when he decided to become a comedian with his best friend Diamond. Little did he know that it wasn’t his fate.

After entering a contest and travelling with a girl named Platinum, Pearl and his friends were put in a Circus. At first it wasn’t so bad. But then… Came the attacks. Pearl had one of his arm and legs hacked off. And people just laughed at him. Laughed at how pathetic he had become…


Pearl is very loud and can be pretty annoying. He’s serious but loves to make jokes. He also doesn’t mind others, what he hates is what he has become is comedy to others.