

Name: Black Kyle

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Date of birth: January 24th

Height: 3’2

Weight: 65 lbs


Primary Language: English

Secondary Languages: N/A

Social Standing: Fortune Teller/Wandering Trainer

Hobbies/Interests: Drawing and listening to music


- Having time to play

- Ghost Type Pokemon

- Making new friends

- Sweets

- Being called normal

- Writing song lyrics


- Loud people

- Psychic Type Pokemon

- Bullies

- Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

- Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of failure or defeat)

- Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being forgotten or ignored)


At a young age Black found out that he could ‘see’ when a person was going to die. At the age of four he predicted his own Father’s death, being a kid no one listened to Black and his Father died just as he predicted.

As Black got older his Mother became more and more hard on him. Hoping to get him to stop seeing such things.

Black often tried his best to please his Mother and always attempted to fit in with others.

After one violent school year Black dropped out of school at the age of eight years old. Black was home-schooled by his Mother and still tried his best to please her.

Black hardly ever did make any friends and almost never went outside due to the bullying he often received. Despite all the torture Black received from his ‘playmates’ he still was very outgoing and cheerful.

Black was nine when he got his first Pokemon; a Litwick nicknamed Gūru. Black adored his Pokemon and hurried off to train him. By the time Black turned ten, the Litwick had evolved into a Chandelure and was level 56.

A few mouths after Black’s tenth birthday his Mother sold him to the Chairman of the Dark Woods Circus. Black was sent there in chain so he wouldn’t escape.

Ever since coming to the Dark Woods Circus Black has changed a lot. He is no longer outgoing or cheerful, rather he is withdrawn and depressed. Black still hopes to one day see his Mother again and escape with his friends.


Black is a very shy person and tends to not talk at all. Black used to be very outgoing but ever since joining the Dark Woods Circus he has become more withdrawn.


- Black mainly talks through pictures.

- Black doesn’t talk very much and tends to stutter when he does.

- Black often writes song lyrics in his sketchbook.


- Black can see other people’s pasts and tends to sketch what he sees.

- Black doesn’t understand the concept of ‘love’ due to the fact that his Mother never showed it to him.

- Black adores Ghost Type Pokemon and can communicate quite well with them.

Pokemon Team:

Gūru/Chandelure ♂ 56

Type: Ghost/Fire

Ability: Shadow Tag

Nature: Adamant

Held Item: Charcoal

Move set:

-Dark Pulse

-Heat Wave

-Fire Spin


Misshī/Misdreavus ♀ 48

Type: Ghost

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Impish

Held Item: Spell Tag

Move set:

-Shadow Ball

-Perish Song


-Pain Split

Ebony/Shuppet ♀ 55

Type: Ghost

Ability: Cursed Body

Nature: Sassy

Held Item: Ghost Gem

Move set:

-Shadow Sneak

-Shadow Ball



Seishin/Spiritomb ♂ 52

Type: Ghost/Dark

Ability: Infltrator

Nature: Naughty

Held Item: Cleanse Tag

Move set:

-Shadow Sneak

-Ominous Wind

-Sucker Punch

-Dark Pulse