

Name: Fire Adams

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Date of birth: April 15th

Height: 3’2

Weight: 60 lbs


Primary Language: English

Secondary Languages: N/A

Social Standing: Trainer

Hobbies/Interests: Watching clouds.


- Having time to play

- Watching clouds

- Making new friends

- Sweets


- Chairman

- Bullies

- Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

- Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of failure or defeat)

- Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being forgotten or ignored)


Fire was a pretty normal child for the most part, he went to school and did average. He never really did anything wrong yet he still never made many friends.

The only real friends he had were people he knew since he was little. Fire never like to attempt to explain the feelings he used to get as he didn’t understand them.

At the age of six Fire finally understood that he could feel what others felt.

Later on he was tricked into going to the Dark Woods Circus by Crystal.


Fire is a pretty quiet and calm individual. He doesn’t talk out of line too often and he expects to be treated with respect despite where he is.

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