

Name: Green Oak

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Date of birth: November 22nd

Height: 4’4

Weight: 120 lbs


Primary Language: English

Secondary Languages: N/A

Social Standing: Trainer

Hobbies/Interests: Talking with friends


- Having time to himself

- Being with his friends

- Being called normal


- The Chairman

- Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

- Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of failure or defeat)

- Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being forgotten or ignored)


At a young age Green was taught by his Grandfather how to catch and care for Pokemon. As he grew older he soon went off on a journey for only about a year before being called back.

Upon arriving back at his hometown, he learned that his Grandfather had died and went off to learn by himself. Along the way Green ran into his two rivals Red and Blue.

Blue and Green never wandered far from each other and stayed near the other. A couple months of watching Pokemon in the wild they happened upon the Dark Woods Circus. Green and Blue were captured. Green was forced into cannibalism.


Green is a very stern and tends to speak his mind. As much as he wants to help his friends he fears that one day he might eat them. Green is kind and will not hesitate to fight if he needs to.

Pokemon Team: