Th-th-th-that's all folks!'

Post date: Mar 13, 2014 1:5:40 AM

Den 1 will re-appear in Fall 2014 as the new Tiger Cub Den! So, until then, Th-th-th-that's all folks!

During the March pack meeting, Alec, Bradley and Parker all received their Arrow of Light awards and crossed over into Boy Scouts. During April's pack meeting, Luke will receive his Arrow of Light and will cross over with Finn to the Boy Scouts. Congratulations and we wish them well as they continue on their Boy Scout trail with Montpelier's Troop 709.

This also means the end of Den 1 and our Webelos 2's. If you're a 5th grader interested Scouting, I encourage you to explore the Scouting links on the left to find a Boy Scout troop.