2013 Popcorn Sales Reporting

Please use the following forms to report your cub's 2013 popcorn sales and High Adventure Gear Prize selection.

Please complete these forms by Tuesday, Oct 15th so that we can review the information and submit it to council for the order.

Earlier is better in case there are questions or problems!

Link to Pack 777's 2013 Popcorn Sales Entry Form

Link to Pack 777's 2013 Popcorn Prize Entry Form

Sales entry instructions:

Please total the number of each type of item sold.

For military donations, enter the number of each type of donation (not the $ value).

Enter direct donations to the Pack (e.g. paid $20 for a $19 Carmel Corn Almonds & Pecans and told us to keep the change or just gave the Pack $5.00) at the end of the form. DO NOT include in Military Donations.

We will check your entries against the sales dollar total and if the numbers don't work we will contact you for clarification.

Prize Entry Form:

For this form, direct donations to the pack should not be included in the sales total.

If your Cub sold under $250 of popcorn, he gets a popcorn patch but is not eligible for prizes from High Adventure Gear. In this case, complete the form, but leave the prize selections blank.

If your Cub sold $250 or more of popcorn, he is eligible for a High Adventure Gear Prize based on his sales total. Select the desired prize based on his sales total.

If he sold over $1100, select the "I sold over $1100" option and enter the description of the desired prize.

If your Cub sold over $600, select the desired bonus prize.