
How do I set up remote access?

See: AM Remote instructions.

The AM Manager seems to affect my battery life.  What can I do?

How do I use custom images for my Wemo's?

How do I start the AM Server on Android?

For a conventional AM Server, configure AM on your server device:

Install the AM Server widget.  When installed the AM Server widget looks like this and the AM Server will run:

Add the AM Server widget to one of your android device's home page.  Any of the AM Server widgets will do, the small one (no devices displayed) is usually the best choice.

Touch the widget to open AM Manager, you'll find the AM Server configuration in the settings menu.

It's important that the AM Server be kept running at all times if you're using the rule engine or want to access your wemos remotely.  

Newer android devices are more aggressive with apps to save battery and resources.  When running a server you often will need to confirm whether you have a task killer.  If so, add the AutomationManager app to the list of exceptions.   Check settings / device maintenance / battery manager, settings  / app manager ./ special access / Optimize battery use.  Confirm the app is set to unmonitored for battery savings.

It's usually necessary to force the android device to stay awake and the screen to remain on.  First enable developer options:  open settings, find "about device", find "Build number", and tap it 5-7 times. You should see a message that developer options have been enabled.  Return to the settings main page to find the new options page.  Enable "Stay Awake" to set the mode to prevent the screen (and android) from entering sleep mode.  Always keep the server device on AC power.

Check the advanced wifi settings to ensure the wifi device is set to be always on, that it's not allowed to sleep to save power.

To enable remote access see AM Remote.

How do I use my devices with android automation apps?

What Intents does the AM Server recognize and act on? Note the AM Server widget must be active on your device's home page for intents to work (see above).

The preferred mechanism for initiating actions in the AutomationServer is to use the intent:

with the string extra: "command" set to one of the commands defined in: Automation Commands

The original intents are still supported:

And the functional intents:

What intents does the AM Server broadcast that I can receive and act on?

What Intents does the AM Remote recognize and act on?  

These intents can be used for automation from your phone, e.g. have the lights turn on when you enter your home cell phone zone.

NOTE: the AM Server must be running for these intents to be processed (new with Android 26+)

For the remote intents use these extras:

How do I use NFC to control my wemos from my phone?

What is the HTTP/REST interface and how do I use it?

How do I find out why the intents that I sent don't work?

How do I use the AutomationManager with Automagic?

How do I get the WemoManager samples loaded into Automagic?

How do I send an intent to WemoManager from Tasker?

Also see:  Note that WemoServer intent extras are usually String values, and Tasker may default to numeric values. You can cast extras like this: "UDN:(String)12345", useful in the case of LED groups.

Action: (see above for other intents)


Mime Type:


Extra: UDN:?????????????? (this is the UDN of your wemo, e.g. UDN:Insight-1_0-01234567890, you can copy from the "intents" menu for that device in WemoManager)




Target: Broadcast Receiver

How do I receive intents from Tasker?

Follow the Tasker guide.  Use the receive intents documented above as the intent action.  The information passed by WemoManager in the intent as extras will appear as local variables in Tasker, e.g. %sunrise and %sunset.  See

How can I log AM device events to GoogleDrive?

Note that AutomationOnDrive is now the preferred method for recording device state changes, saving them to a sheet on Google Drive.

How can I use AutomationManager with IFTTT?

Set up IFTTT to allow Google Drive actions to AutomationOnDrive (android only) by following: Voice.  Use any IFTTT trigger in place of the Google Home voice trigger to drive the action.

How do I use voice support with AutomationManager

Use Alexa or Google Assistant as this function is no longer supported natively by AutomationManager: Voice/IFTTT

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